Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes.
Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• This is the exact same issue that was reported for 2020 and fixed in SU15, for more details, see [Helicopter] Abrupt induced yaw when flying over edge of elevated helipad and Helicopter ground effect transition is abrupt and requires large inputs to recover - Aircraft - MSFS DevSupport.
This bug was frustrating the first time in 2020, but that the fix did not make its way into 2024 is even more frustrating, we are back to square one after almost two years. This was reported in January 2023 first on DevSupport, it took a year for Asobo to fix it.
This bug is pretty much kills all the fun of helicopter flying. Wondering if anyone ever tried to land on that spray truck shown on the trailers…
If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:
• Video showing the bug: (thanks @hhelikopter4891)
Duplicate here: Problem with Heli Pads on Tall Structers MSFS2024 - #2 by pvaiko1203