Help - Vsync seems locked to half refresh rate

I think I’m living proof that this issue is not fixed. How are you sure it is?

yes… in my case the fps limit issue if users use the in-game v-sync steps ( 60,30,20,… are steps , not fps values ) works fine now. Other users confirmed that.

I’m not sure what you’re saying is working fine now. In general, vsync is designed to match the frame output of your GPU to your display refresh rate. It’s not a general cap on FPS. If vsync is limiting your FPS to 30 on a 60Hz display, that’s a bug.

Also, I’ve just confirmed through testing that in my case, the vsync bug is happening when I undock a window like the ATC window. For some reason, that’s causing vsync to limit FPS to 30. When the window is not undocked, FPS is not limited to 30 by vsync.

Hi Chris,

not if you choose that you want to sync on the e.g. first v-sync step ( here 30 ).

But you are right. We came bit away from your issue. What I want mention was, that this one vsync-bug is fixed where v-sync setting “first step (30)” was “in-menue correct (30)” , but “in-game the second step (20)”.

Your point was:

this issue comes also on top within another thread and I also will try to re-test it tomorrow ( hope is bit time ). But because same issue is reported now from another user…

note: re-tested it now also