Hoping MSFS will finally do away with 'screen space reflections'

What frame rates do you get in "every single game"s before and after turning RT on?
Which 300 quid card is working this magic so we can all get one?:slight_smile:
What is your definition of “perfectly fine”?

It is difficult to quantify your assertion - you may consider 20fps as “perfectly fine”

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Limited to 60 FPS, for a cool and silent system :slight_smile:
Except in Forspoken (45 FPS), and Callisto Protocol can have some severe slowdowns with 20 FPS in some areas. These two have noticable bad performance with a Radeon 6700.
But I don´t have many ractracing games, as far as I know the new updated Elden Ring has raytracing, the Resident Evil 2 and 3 games have raytracing. Hm no problems whatsoever with raytracing in all games :slight_smile:
Ah the new Witcher 3 enhanced version as raytracing too, but I run so many mods and extreme to supreme graphics mod and various other things Witcher 3 (~40 FPS) is not ideal for performance testing because of the insane amount of mods.

Pretty much. I think that technically it could be done relatively ‘cheap’ performance wise, since you only really need to exclude the plane (and maybe other planes flying in close proximity, so maybe objects within 50 meters from the camera?)

No need to apply that to the entire planet.

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There is now a new ray tracing overdrive

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This is not a topic about raytracing and raytracing overdrive.

You‘re quite the optimist.



I did not know that RAYTRACING OVERDRIVE is already available! Awesome!!
I need Cyberpunk immideately :smiley:

Imagine how absolute awesome Flight Sim 2024 will look like in the Raytracing Overdrive mode.
There are several augmentations and enhancements possible of RTX Overdrive: RTX Warpdrive, RTX Hyperdrive, and RTX Uber-driver.
Is Raytracing Overdrive an Nvidia feature or can it be activated with Radeon cards too?

Yes 100%. And things that are off screen cannot currently cast reflections, so you get the reflection tapering off to nothing.

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I cannot make my mind up about your posts and not sure if you are being sarcastic all along or not. But if you are so passionate about raytracing, then you would have surely known about cyberpunk rt overdrive mode and how it performs. In Radeon cards and even older GeForce cards, it has some heavy performance penalty.

And to everyone who is asking for ray tracing to solve this issue, I get your point. But be aware of one thing, implementing and enabling raytracing has some serious CPU cost as well. Now hopefully we all know how CPU heavy MSFS already is. And also, if you think latest and greatest CPUs will make things much better, think again. GPUs have progressed at least 50% improvements gen on gen in the last 2 cycles, while CPUs have that figure at 25% I would say if I am too optimistic. So, basically CPUs are still the weak point and going to be for the foreseeable future. So all the performance improvements will go towards that. That’s borderline ok for the latest system, but most of the customers don’t have that.

Don’t get me wrong, I am also someone who appreciates raytracing and what it does. RTGI and RTAO is my favorite implementations of it. I own a system with 5800X3D and an RTX4090. Yet, I would prefer they find a better SSR with some fallback option instead of going all in on RT and ignoring other options.

I get the idea that maybe, somehow, there’s a much better technique that no graphics engine has yet figured out that’s faster than ray tracing yet solves the same problems. I just wouldn’t pin my hopes on Asobo making a major graphics technology breakthrough in the middle of MSFS 2024 development.

I agree. There will be something. Maybe Quantum-Based-Holo-Rendering (QBHR) is coming soon?

I coined it first folks!! :wink:

but before that msfs can improve and refine the technologies it has already baked in its engine. I think I have seen better SSR implementation in other games. But yes, I haven’t played any games other than MSFS and some other in the last 2-3 years. So not sure if I am misremembering…

Is that so? :smiley:
Awesome! Because this gives me a reason to upgrade my PC!

And when I get no reason to upgrade my PC I just yawn bored out and say “hm that Ryzen 5 Zen 1 I ordered from Poland for 50 bucks several years ago is good ´nough for another decade…” :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: