How do I even plan my flights?

As you see from the longer and longer answers to your questions flightplanning for VFR let alone IFR is not something which you learn in 5min. For this it is a major section in all pilot training. Short of enrolling into a real pilot program the Vatstar academy provides very good course work and tutorials mainly based on freely available FAA textbooks (PDF) and (almost) for free.

You can find the Pilot Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge and the Airplane Flying Handbook here and many more. Nicely illustrated too.


There are some good examples above - Let me share some techniques that I use when planning both VFR/IFR flight in sim, Some of this techniques I use in real life when planning for a flight.

For VFR flying - I normally start by choosing departure and destination aerodromes then plotting a route on chart (Plan G/SkyDemon/CAA 1:500 000 VFR Chart) The last two I use it in real life. Things to consider when planning VFR flights is types of airspaces the route goes through. There are different types airspace classifications from Class A to G. As VFR, Class A airspace is restricted so have to avoid at all cost as the only flights permitted in class A are IFR flights. You will need a clearance before entering class B to D airspace as those are known as controlled airspace. Class E-G is uncontrolled airspace this is where normally majority of VFR pilots operate. Based on this information you then select appropriate cruising altitude, ensuring that you stay clear of any controlled airspace and also clear of any high obstacles (buildings/towers/powerlines etc) in the path. You can plan to fly through controlled airspace (Class B-D) but you will need to request clearance before entering. Looking at Notams (Notices to Airmen) for any restricted airspace/airport facilities/Nav Aids serviceability) To be honest Notams don’t matter in flight sim unless you are flying on Vatsim. Next big thing to consider is weather of course. As VFR, You stay clear of cloud at all times so have to ensure that you don’t fly into cloud. I normally fly VFR in the UK so I use met office low level weather forecast (Aviation Briefing Service - Guidance - Met Office) to have a look at forecasted weather to look for any trends, winds, pressure, any weather fronts affecting the flight and the biggest threat of all ice. If low clouds/visibility are forecasted then I would elect to fly IFR instead. I would also consider choosing alternate destination aerodrome should the weather become unsuitable at my original destination. Using all of this information then I create a navigation log or plog as they like to call it. This includes headings I need to fly, altitude, forecasted winds, estimated ground speed, time en-route, communication frequencies and fuel burn. I use Sky demon in real life for Plog or sometimes I do it the old fashion way by using flight computer. Now as you can see it is long process and in real life it can take me anywhere from 45 to 60 mins to plan a flight. Of course for flight sim you don’t have to complete all of the steps and some things do not apply but if flying on networks like vatsim, I would at least check airspaces around so that I don’t bother any controllers. You can fly without planned destination aerodrome but still have to consider things above.

Of course another thing to consider is weight and balance (distribution of weights and centre of gravity location) and in flight sim is not much of an issue unless again if you want to be realistic. You can use fuel and payload options in sim to change any figures. In real life it is bit more than that.

For IFR flights, Simbrief is best source for planning flights in flight sim. I would be a little cautious with the routes that it gives as sometimes it is not accurate or does not comply with ATC. - Sky vector is another good source to check routes and I use it real life for planning IFR flights. Again if you want to be realistic then you can check for Notams/Weather/fuel consideration - This is included in flight plan created in simbreif. Another thing to consider for IFR flights is SIDS (Standard instrument departure routes) and STARS (Standard terminal arrival routes)and in real life at least in Europe and UK they are assigned by ATC. I like to use Navigraph for departure, arrival and en route charts and I must say they are accurate to the real charts. I have Jeppesen subscription which I use in real life and found navigraph charts to be quite accurate. Majority of my IFR flights I conduct on vatsim so I go through every process as I would for real flight.

In terms of where and what you want to fly - consider signing up for virtual airlines. operations include from airline flying to bush flying. There are hundreds of them online and sign up process is free. Some of them are run by real world pilots and they even offer training in sim.

Flightradar24 is best website to check for which airlines are operating a specific type and what flights are operated. is another one for checking real world routes although this only works for US and Canadian flights.

There is another website, you will need to create an free account for this and it offers routes flown by real flights in europe and UK.


Since when is it “frowned upon” to not request flight following? I’ve been doing it for nearly 30 years and nobody has ever said anything or suggested it’s bad.

Granted, I actually prefer to get flight following as the airspace around Boston can be pretty congested, but, I’ve never known anyone to frown upon anyone not getting flight following.

You misunderstood what I said (or maybe I was bad at explaining, sorry). I am saying that you don’t need a radio at a non-towered airport (can be found in and around Class E and G) however you won’t make any friends without one, lol. I still remember this Pawnee that never used theirs. I didn’t hint that flight following was frowned upon and in fact many controllers would be very happy to give it to you provided they’re not super busy.

Oh… Oops, my bad I imagine, sorry.

Yeah, no radio is no joy these days, wayyy too much traffic up there…

There was another post that talked about not needing to talk to ATC as long as you stay out of D/C/B airspace. I didn’t realize that was because there was no radio!

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What a neat little app thanks for this link!

Just want to reiterate all of this. Anybody asking how to realistically fly the plane, navigate, communicate, is basically looking for the full battery of private pilot training. This is a good thing, and there are fantastic online tools to help, but there aren’t a lot of shortcuts, and worse, there’s nobody giving you feedback as to what you’re doing right and wrong.

In short, you can’t do VFR nav without knowing aircraft performance, airport information, airspace, weather, etc.

Folks jumping straight to IFR and autopilot-style flying are skipping a lot of essential fundamentals.


Excellent post

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Thank you, I am happy to have helped fellow players :slight_smile:

I’m checking out LNM. Any tips or resources on how to make the airspaces appear less confusing? I don’t appreciate all the overlapping areas impacting readability, and you have to click on any given point to see the details of Class and relevent Altitudes. It’s not like a real published VFR chart that shows everything just on the map itself, unless I’m missing something (but I have searched for resources online). I did find that my Airspace Library was set to both Simulator and Navigraph, which was responsible for a lot of duplication, but have since opted for just Simulator.

Also for the amount of love LNM gets, I do find the map itself lacking the VFR-speficic map features that I can find on Skyvector for example, like VRP and maximum elevation figure etc, and the altitudes on airspace boundaries as mention. Any tips on that?

I don’t know how kosher it is to link to another forum here, but this is the most succinct way to do this. LNM can do a lot of themes like Google Maps, VFR Sectionals, IFR charts. The best resource I found for this is a post on AVSIM:

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