How do you delete a saved flight file on Xbox?


I reached out to the team via Twitter just so it gets more notice and hopefully a quicker fix.

They replied so hopefully it will be on the list of future incoming fixes. Let’s hope anyway!


There is no way to at this time.

I have raised this with the team and hopefully it will be addressed ASAP.

Let’s hope.


I see that I can save and load my flights even on Xbox.
But how can I delete that files? I do not any button to do it.

Thank you.


Yeah it seems to be missing.

I have contacted support on Twitter and they have put it across to the team.

Hopefully a fix will be incoming soon!

I asked myself the same question, and for me it’s just a HUGE BUG, unbelievable that they forgot that.

Did you open a ticket on zendesk for this bug? because if it has not been done, there is little chance that it will be corrected.

yes I wondered about that as well. I have like 50 PLN files by now as I save a flight plan all the time and it’s getting cluttered in there.

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Not being an XBox owner, so wild guessing, but is there maybe a context menu on the FLT files when you go to the load dialog where you pick the one you want to load?

At least in some other games you can delete savegames in the “load” dialog.

thank you for your input. But no, there isn’t.

On the PC you can right click on a file in the “load” dialog and delete it.

Edit: I replied before you deleted your remark about not being able to do that on PC either.

I see. Interesting. Did not know that about the PC functionality.

Maybe if one has a mouse it works the same on Xbox. Not sure if anybody tried that.

I’ve tried with a mouse and a keyboard and no delete option is available.

Is there a data management function outside of the game where they could be deleted?
How are save games etc managed in Xbox? Can you locate, back up to local storage (or cloud) and delete outside of installed games?

there is one indeed, but that way you can only delete all the data associated with your live account regarding this game. That would also include all settings you made IMO.


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I would also like to know how to delete a saved flight plan on the xbox series x?
only save and load are offered in the game.



Yeah, i got same problem, hope they ll ad it soon.

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Same. My flight plan list is becoming cluttered and wanted to tidy it up a bit :smile:

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Same here not able to delete it :man_facepalming:t4:

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Is there really no way to delete saved flight plans on the Xbox yet?

Better still importing them from simbrief

I was wondering if this was fixed? I would like to know how to delete controller profiles (without having to select them). I have a problem after WU16 where 2 specific controller profiles cause CTD just by selecting them.