How do you guys setup your flight plan? Do you guys setup in Cold and Dark mode?

Does simbrief give you all the fuel requirements and what not?

I’m on Xbox so can’t import simbrief plans but be handy to copy some info into world map setup.

Also does anyone know if littlenavmap can work out all the fuel calculations for a journey?

Trying to decide which one is best for me, don’t like using so many different things, it all gets a bit confusing.

I believe LNM can but it needs data input for the type of craft used. the manual is good but very long.

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Most of the times cold and dark, as I want to go though the check lists, practice taxiing, and such.
When I have little time, I start on the runway, just to practice departure and arrival procedures.
Enjoy the sim in every way possible!

Yea Simbrief will do it as well.

For GA I have the POH’s printed for all the planes I fly which includes the performance data so I do it myself taking in the average winds, temperature, etc… with an e6b flight computer.

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@Urroundnext Once the PMDG 737 gets that EFB it’s game over! I am so excited for the EFB! I file a plan on SimBrief and then prefile for VATSIM, get clearance and then manually enter in the waypoints after setting up departure and approach.

Same here, I use LNM for every flight and really appreciate the work he continues to put into it.

As for this topic, I fly VFR and almost always start cold and dark in the same parking spot where I ended my previous flight.


Same here. Cold and dark and start from my last position.

Like all things in my life – it depends. I tend (read most of the time) have a plan in place ie flying around the world -east to west or landing in all the airports in a chosen FAA Sectional. I may do a cold and dark here and there but most of the time just fuel up then hit the road.


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