How often does the Xbox Marketplace update?

According to the blog update there won’t be due to technical issues otherwise known as a holiday! They must of known about this beforehand so would of been nice to of known in advance.

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Must be strange for all the 3rd Party Developer who uploaded their stuff to the marketplace. I think they miss the Revenue stream…

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Also, the first few weeks of launch are the most lucrative due to the influx of new players.

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I was just thinking that! Many people also got the game for free via game pass so more inclined to pay for addons. A few weeks after launch is prime time and it might be just that I’m in sales and marketing but if I was the CEO of Asobo I would not be happy with all my team going on holiday at the same time :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: What’s this….an email from Asobo….John send us your CV :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Exactly. Couldn’t have said it better.

Oh well, I’ve lost hope in any updates lol… now I can understand why PC players go outside the marketplace to get their addons.


Bit of a joke really.

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I have been playing on PC since launch and the one saving grace was that I could avoid the ingame market place like the plague.

I don’t think the rate at which it updates is acceptable, or even makes business sense! As some above are saying, surely this is a massive opportunity to rope in gamepass players who aren’t bored yet?

I will add, I am FAR happier playing on my series x now as I am just able to fly and enjoy it, rather than benchmarking and measuring frames - chasing the FPS dragon if you will… However, I am not optimistic about having to use the ingame market at all.


Hopefully this is just a little stumble on the way to improving the marketplace service. Like they’ve been able to escape criticism for it so far knowing that people can (and most do) use other services, but now there’s no real excuse.

Yes it does seem to be very slow. My guess is Asobo has been so busy addressing the bugs that they haven’t been focusing on the marketplace enough. All in due course though, I am pretty confident addons will start picking up thanks to Xbox.

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I hope so too!

I’m not too sure how many users like me have gone from pretty much a year on PC to series x (I’m seeing a massive elitist view and a lot of gatekeeping when it comes to console simming), but the addon content is a big deal and is what will keep me engaged.

On PC I currently have around 200 airports, premium and freeware, as well as 20+ aircraft also premium and freeware.

I am happy to give that up for the overall ease and improved fidelity (i play 1440p on pc) of the xbox version and also appreciate it takes time, but being in a position where I have money and want to support a product, but can’t, is strange.

I will remain cautiously optimistic because with msfs, when the moment is right, I fully believe the experience can’t be matched in any other sim, or game.


So why are the developers of this game not updating their store with all those aircraft addons that are available on the pc but not on the Xbox yet? It’s a bit annoying. Looking for a decent jet fighter, but only 1 available.


Its not just the devs, take carenado for example they have them all ready for xbox but Microsoft / Asobo need to add them to the ingame market nothing carenado can do about it. No idea why Asobo decides to do only a couple a week when they are all already to go.


So annoying. Anyway when you buy your planes from the store can other people see them online too, or is it just a generic model for them that’s flying around?

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  • believe that if the other person has the same aircraft in their library, they will see it… otherwise it will be generic.

And your evidence that that ‘they are all ready to go’ is? :thinking:

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Just make a cerenado support ticket and ask, you will get the same answer everyone gets. Besides I do reviews for them so im in contact with them.

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Correct, when someone else also owns it they will see if not a generic model is shown

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A fair answer. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

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One reason is because the workload is pretty high for Asobo at the moment, with the all the bugs following SU5. Second reason why is because the Xbox marketplace has stricter requirements set out by Microsoft. I believe it has something to do with ensuring there is no junk. I got an email from VirtualCol the other day saying they’re awaiting on instructions from Asobo on joining the Xbox version marketplace. I’m assuming they’re not the only ones awaiting more info. But it’s pretty clear they want in, as well as many other devs.

In due course, there will be many 3P addons on Xbox. Also two reasons why. First reason, it’s a great opportunity for an addon dev to gain more customers and a larger profit for their work. Second reason, it completely removes the possibility of product piracy. You won’t be able to use products if they’re not linked to your account. The benefits greatly outweigh any costs of converting products to Xbox, if there are any at all. But patience, let MS/Asobo do their jobs - we’ll have plenty of addons in the future.


Don’t get me started on elitist gatekeeping! I’m in the same boat as you, my MSFS is taking up too much space on my pc, so I’m the process of moving to xbox! Funnily enough, it runs better on my xbox, except for some minor hiccups. It just needs more support and more freedom with respect to addons but I’m sure that will happen in time.