How to Stop the Oculus Quest 2 White Flash

Try and follow every step of this initial post.

TnT Quest 2 Settings - Sharp and SMOOOOTH! - Virtual Reality (VR) / Hardware & Performance - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums


OTT is finicky some settings seem to stick/persist others not. Below si what works for me every time 100% of the time.

  1. The Quest Link Settings at 1080ti once set will persist even when you reboot the machine. You can set the bitrate here and again that will persist between reboots.

  2. All ASW settings. You can swap these live but they will get reset “most” times you close the app and “every” time you reboot the machine

  3. You can see the ASW settings take effect by setting Visual HUD to performance. Set forced and the Framerate MAXIMUM will be Half whatever setting you have your device set at in the Oculus Home - 72, 80 or 90hz. Forced will set 36, 40 ad 45 accordingly. “Sometimes” the HUD setting will persist after closing the OTT app (even though it should not), but will not persist after a reboot.

So to take 100% control of OTT and your Oculus experience never start OTT before you start MSFS2020

  1. Start Oculus Home
  2. Start MSFS2020
  3. Once MSFS is at the start screen put on your Oculus Quest, select Link, Select Desktop view from Oculus Home, Options → VR Mode → Start your flight.
  4. Only once you are sat in your aircraft cockpit in VR now start OTT set HUD and your desired ASW settings and you will see the HUD reflect your choice live every time.

You now have full control of the OTT. If in doubt reboot your PC make sure OTT does not start with Windows!

Good luck.