Good luck on Friday! If you haven’t already found it - make sure to check out the excellent advice on setting up by CptLucky8 (linked below) … quite a bit to read, but well worth working through to get set up right. Took me a few days to get the balance, but worth the effort.
I have a similar rig to your current (9700 & 2080Ti). I can get to a tolerably smooth display with a reasonable level of detail. Also found that I have to position the G2 ‘just right’ to get the most from the much debated small in-focus sweet spot; but quickly got used to it.
But the immersion makes up for all the compromises. Although I run in 2D in full 4K and everything high/ultra, I’m finding ‘flying’ out of VR becoming a very incomplete experience, no matter how good it looks in 2D
Critical advice above about binding the ‘reset view’ key. The other one that is extremely useful is binding a key to switch between screen and headset display (My personal choice for this was SPACE) … easy to find if you need to get in or out of VR during flight.