Because I am both a scientist and a glutton for punishment, I decided to “push the envelope” this morning.
Much like an F1 driver, I need to know when the car is going to “let go” to find the boundaries of how I can drive it.
I love the Albatross (the Grumman). It is one of the gems in 2024.
Now, SimBrief doesn’t have a profile for many aircraft beyond airliners (grumble, grumble). There are a few non-airliner type aircraft, so I chose the Twin Otter as a baseline. Why SImBrief? Well, I want to use BeyondATC and it needs SImBrief to know where you are flying to generate its ATC services, so I’m married to SimBrief, for now.
Since the Albatross version I fly has the GNS 530, it definitely doesn’t have built-in SimBrief integration like the Vision Jet and others.
To get all this working in concert, I needed to generate a flight plan in SimBrief using the Twin Otter as a baseline. I’m going to ignore the fuel and payload values.
I copied the text version of the flight plan and pasted it into the web-based flight planner for MSFS 2024 and saved it. Then in the sim I opened the EFB at the World Map and imported it and…
After Mickey Mousing around, I discover that my fix for Navigraph not loading correctly is, apparently, a one-time deal. Basically, to get Navigraph’s AIRAC cycle to work in my install I have to open the Package Reorder Tool, move Navigraph once place, move it back, quit the sim and relaunch it. Apparently, I am going to have to do this every time I relaunch the sim. WHAT A PAIN!
Once I figured that out, I was able to open the EFB at the World Map and import the flight plan that I’d saved via the web-based flight planner successfully. I clicked “Send to Avionics” and launched the flight.
Upon entering the Albatross, I turned on the battery and radios and found, yet again, no flight plan in the GNS 530.
Using the EFB from the toolbar, I sent the flight plan to the avionics and it populated it. Again, I’ve seen this before.
I was able to request IFR clearance with BATC and go on my way. The autopilot was able to engage with the flight plan sent to the avionics via the in-cockpit EFB. This was a change from the last time I did this Send to Avionics process with the Albatross. That is a net positive.
So, after a bunch more MSFS 2024 malarkey I’ve got the Albatross on its way IFR from an uncontrolled airport.