If you were the Team Leader what three areas would you focus on?

That’s what OP was trying to allude to when he said:

You are referring to study level aircraft and systems. The base default aircraft were never meant to be like that, for several sensible and valid reasons.

Also, the simulation of flight is already present in the sim. MSFS is not a Google Earth viewer, and magenta-line IFR-capable jets aren’t the only kind of aircraft in the world. If that was the case then there wouldn’t be 30 aircraft in it, and aircraft such as C-152 would be banned in the real world.

Several real world pilots also tested and said some (but not all) aircraft are very close to their real world counterparts. But again, they are meant to be used by a large number of people who would range from xboxers to complete novice to pros. Therefore they will lack some features and that’s totally normal.

If you have any confusion as to the definition of flight and whether MSFS 2020 simulates flight, I suggest you take a peek at the following: