IFR training - RNAV basics imposible to pass

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• No matter which method chosen to intercept the RNAV CDI, Manual controls, AP / GPS Nav, AP HDG Hold it is very difficult if not impossible to “Keep the CDI centered”
• I have even confirmed my position according to the EFB map and it doesn’t even register when flying extremely close to the CDI line even at max zoom
• GPS Intercept path followed by AP / GPS Nav appears to be more towards 171-172 deg, despite mission requesting to fly 170deg.
• Mission appears to ask you to turn to 170 far too early to intercept close to the CDI center.

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This feels like a stupid question, but are we sure it is asking for the GPS CDI and not one of the localizers LOC1 or LOC2 or something else? Been a bit since I did this one and I forgot about it right after passing the exam. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, this particular training mission is all about following the GPS CDI, However I decided to humour you just in case they had coded up the mission incorrectly. The result was a lower score, although it scored more than I was anticipating.

Tried localizer too, just in case.
I believe 2020 had a similar issue where it was meant to use a localizer but started with gps loaded.

You can tell some lessons were learned from the mistakes of the FS2020 training though, this mission is setup at an area of 0 magnetic deviation, so no repeat of previous missions accidentally grading you on true vs magnetic track.

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Just tried this today and even getting a “great” comment on the intercept results in a 25% rating for the intercept. Seems to be impossible to keep the CDI centered according to the sim even flying exactly 170° on the pink GPS course.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
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• I started a company on career mode for cargo company. I bought 3 cessna 172 and accumulated about $5mil. Id like to purchase the cessna 208b but for the life of me it wont let me. I passed that tornado mission and the sim crashes. When i turn the sim back on it says i passed that mission. Also i tried doing that instrument rating and passed all with A’s except the RNAV training bc apparently its impossible to get over a C even using autopilot. I was able to get a B on the RNAV when i used the green arrow centered to the left the entire time it marked centered green. Yet i still cant pass the instrument rating to buy the 208b
Im at a loss here, anyone have any ideas on how i can buy the 208b.

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• cant since im a new user.

Yup, me too, I had a perfectly aligned flight using autopilot and heading mode and only got the green indicator for a short time and only got a C so far for around 15 tries. I have A’s on everything else…

I figured it out, the waypoint FPL000 is off, it needs to be set west more. I havent figured out by how much but am working on it. I am a private pilot and am using some skills to figure this out.

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I Figured it out, Waypoint FPL000 is not correct, you need to fly past it to the coast line then turn left once the little white arrow in the display hits around heading 165, forget the pink markers as it is all messed up. You can get a B but not an A until they fix this. I have some pics here to show. Once you get the turn correct, hold course 166 all the way in and it will stay green giving you a B.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• The audio is weird compared to the other ones, the description of the behaviour of the HSI is wrong, “it says that the indications may become erratic when passing over a waypoint”. This is wrong since it’s not a VOR and there is no cone of uncertainty. My guess is someone copied over the lesson from VOR, didn’t adjust the parameters to the NAV setting and didn’t adjust the script.

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Might be gyro drift. Assign a key to calibrate gyro and altimeter and make sure to do this before takeoff and periodically as you climb up higher in altitude.

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I’m having the same issue. I doubted myself pretty hard so I used autopilot just like OP did before looking here. Same results, autopilot is able to follow the path on 170* at 4000ft and stay perfectly centered in the pipe shown on the display as well as having the pink line perfectly centered on both the display and the kneeboard tablet. Sometimes the “Keep the CDI centered” box never gets checked at all, and sometimes I’ll somehow drift onto whatever path it’s actually looking for, locked at 170* mind you, before drifting back off with literally no change in course. The invisible line that the game is checking for is pretty obviously incorrect. The best I’ve been able to get on this mission is a B.

More evidence that the goal line is on the wrong heading: I’ve had it check that the CDI goal when I’m completely outside of the pipe on the display.

It might be possible to adjust the MSFS waypoint in the G1000 but I have not had time to mess with it. But I do know the correct alignment is on the 166 radial of the final waypoint as I kept it centered on that heading once I flew past the coast line and made my turn. But I lost points because I was not in their boxes. See my picture for the correct alignment.

Same problem here with the RNAV tutorial, impossible to get B or A as it does not recognize the “keep CDI centered” mission step properly:

I found approximately where the FPL000 is located. And immediately after the turn, “KEEP CDI” was displayed until the end of the route. (I just reconfigured the GPS and followed the new line.)
But I still got a “C”

We should get an A+ for figuring this out.

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Is this the training for the Instrument Certification?

If so, contine reading. If not, never mind.

IF I remember correctly, during the Instrument Certification Test the approach to the runway is on an off center localizer…not GPS.

Maybe that is what is going wrong? Maybe you are flying the GPS to the center of the Airport?

This is not the approach to the runway training. It’s literally in the title - “RNAV Basics”

Sorry was just trying to help…

I don’t remember doing a RNAV training module once you complete a certification the training modules are gone apparently so I could not get to it.

Anyway, good luck.