I see.
I love to fly in Alaska, there are areas with many NDBs and no VORs. My goto aircraft for it are the 146 and the Caribou as they have two ADFs.
I see.
I love to fly in Alaska, there are areas with many NDBs and no VORs. My goto aircraft for it are the 146 and the Caribou as they have two ADFs.
I have amassed a number of 3rd party Alaskan airports with the sole intention of shifting my flying to that of those Northern parts of the globe.
I will definitely engage flying there!
I’ve also have the Caribou and the 146, and enjoy them both. Great suggestions!
There’s also one up near Siskyiou County Airport (KSIY) that is still used for an NDB approach (when it’s not NOTAMed out of service). It’s the only remaining NDB approach in California.
I’ve been working on a list of remaining NDB approaches - I have the entire western US including AK and HI done, still working on the eastern US. Also have interesting VOR and ILS approaches listed as well.
California is also my favorite place to fly. VATSIM ZOA center is often staffed when I do my Friday night streams and they have good people. The NorCal area seems to attract sim pilots who have more experience with ATC interactions than SoCal, which tends to have a higher newb ratio.
I noted that the webpage for the Oroville Municipal Airport still states that “A Non-Directional Beacon (NDB) navigational aid is located on the northwest corner of the Airport to allow aircraft to track low frequency radio bands to facilitate approaches into the Airport.” If that is true, it’s not mentioned on any charts nor implemented in the sim.
Oroville Municipal Airport | City of Oroville, CA
You and me both! The incredible diversity of biomes here is unprecidended and with the size of the state, it’s like a massive country. Plus there is open ocean flying and quick access to international flight, too. You can do bush flying into all sorts of amazing areas and then there is heavily congested zones for airliner activity, too. I have a very hard time getting out of this place!
My trouble is my evenings and nights are not when I’m able to do my flying. I’ve noted the VATSIM activity during those hours, too. I’m going to have to see about scheduling some time for one of these nights to give it a go. I really do want to try it out!
Heh, OVE NDB has been decommissioned since 2008. And the runway has been 2/20 (vice 1/19) since 2013. They need to update their website, haha.
That map needs an update! It’s missing almost a dozen NDBs (and has a few that have since been removed).
It also illustrates the continuing problem with using standard service volume ranges. There are some NDB-dependent G and R routes that are over 400nm between stations.
Well, my map shows wht’s present in MSFS.
Which nav database are you using?
I did the map in Little Navmap adter reading from MSFS.
Anyway, it’s a lot of NDBs. And maybe there is a VOR to bridge the 400 miles.
Negative on that. G1 between Cold Bay NDB (ELF) and Adak (Mt Moffett NDB - ADK) is 538nm, almost entirely over water, but more to the point, there are no intermediate stations.
This illustrates the bigger point that the sim is almost useless for medium-to-long range radio-nav IFR work. To be fair, most of this is changing to GPS, anyway, but it’s a glaring flaw.
Then I’d suggest you consider PilotEdge. It’s a paid service but they provide coverage on almost all ATC frequencies between 8:00 am and 11:00 pm Pacific time in the LA center area (or over the western 1/2 of the USA if you pay more). I’ve really enjoyed using it, especially when flying VFR in the LA basin with its complex airspace. They have a two week free trial and they have a training program (VFR and IFR) that you can follow if you choose.
Didn’t know if you’ve seen this thread. Might be of interest for the type of flying/routing you mentioned.
I have seen it, I was the first to comment over there!
Thanks for thinking of me.
LOL. That’s what I get for only reading through his extensive post! Lots of potential in his idea.
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