Inconsistency between ILS glideslope and PAPI lights

The thing is that scenery developers MUST ascertain that the glideslope is correctly positioned, so that it matches the PAPI. PERIOD. There is little or nothing else to say…

That wouldn’t be accurate in many, many cases. You can pull a huge number of ILS approach charts that specifically identify that the visual approach indicator (PAPI/VASI) paths do not match the ILS approach path, even if both use the same descent angle. There are several reasons for this, as outlined by numerous people throughout this forum, including higher terrain/obstacle clearance requirements for ILS approaches than for visual approaches.
Approaches where the ILS and visual approaches are coincident should be corrected to match up. Approaches where they’re not coincident should not be incorrectly modeled just to make them match.



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NO! Performed hunderds of ILS landings as flight test engineer, the PAPI ALWAYS showed 2 whites and 2 reds when on the glideslope.

Pretty confident answer, but PAPI are not always harmonized with the glideslope. Maybe it depends on your country.

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