Infected: Beware of files purchased from Sim Market

Never had one single virus report in 30 years of flight simming (back to the days of BBS downloads). Easy for you to say ignore it… it’s not YOUR box :wink:

I am pretty certain, you are the foreigner.
What are “foreign hackers?”
Are we all living in the same country and keep those foreign hackers out?

I didn’t either. But I don’t use any expensive AV software. Tthe more expensive they are, the more they have to deliver… so the more aggressively they search and show you even more. IMO a software that reads out other software, disables it, deletes files etc is nothing else than malware itself.

Close to 100% of suddenly disabled software we read in the forums are down to AV software having ditched licensing services or deleted files. Sim addons interact with each other after all. Some AVs become suspiscious and act without asking.

I don’t think @louderthanu was implying you are a foreigner or anything like that, though looking at what they wrote I can see why you were confused by his statement.

He was just being sarcastic to your suggestion to turn off all scanners which is generally a very bad idea, and extremely irresponsible, as it puts unknowing users computers at risk. I strongly suggest you change your comment (it’s in the same sort of bucket as those who tell others not to wear masks)

@louderthanu I think you should also slightly mod your comment so that it is a bit clearer it is sarcasm!

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My son’s IT security lecturer at Uni, when telling them about risks on the Internet, also told them that he never had any antivirus software on his PC.

Having said that, he did know what all of the risks were and how to mitigate them.

…oh, and he ran his PC under Linux. :slight_smile:

I should have said that it was his personal computer he was talking about, but i accept that “pride can always come before a fall” :slight_smile:

is there really any need for your comment here that is VERY offensive.

It was sarcasm. Foreign hackers… referencing the news stories we are besieged with as of late.

How exactly?

We are leaving the topic here but I am happy to see that you just realized that only a minor fraction of people lives in your US centered bubble. The point is, I am indeed not a US citizen but still got your sarcasm. And your post made everybody around here clear, that you wouldn’t have a chance following the sarcasm of a ‘foreigner’ coming from any other country than yours. :ok_hand:

Do you actually realize this is not a “American” forum, so “we” all are “foreigners”? Keep calling me snowflake or anything else. I guess it’s much easier than correct your mindset.

I see no further need to keep this topic open due to personal attacks.