Is it correct to say MSFS graphic quality is limited to what Xbox can do?

Emm , just to clarify things for some folks .

There is nobody bashing X Box users / the Xbox , so please leave the hysteria to one side :+1:.

What people are stating is the obvious , the sim has been downgraded to run on the X Box , simple fact based on people’s experiences ( including mine ) .

Do I " hate " X Box users , based on this evidence , absolutely NO .

Am I happy that X Box / low performance PC users get to enjoy this wonderful sim , MASSIVE YES :+1:.

Should Microsoft include menu settings to help cater for people with high performance PC systems , YES :+1:.

That’s it , in a nutshell . No " hating " anyone !!


I believe I got my 3090 after XBOX came in. My system at the time was 3900x/2080ti.

It’s still not the console but rather the environment that needs optimisation. True next gen games not coming out with real-time ray tracing is down to the developers not Microsoft. The SX is more than capable for a good few years… But if this is how it’s going to be…dish out a few hundred dollars every 3 years, then I’m out.

Forza Motorsport will have real-time ray tracing and they already said it will be a 4k/60 title on SX and 2k/60 on the SS.

There is a world of difference between what Forza is doing compared to what MSFS is doing. There is a lot more going on under the hood that Forza won’t be doing.

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I’ll eat my hat if Forza has real time ray tracing during gameplay.

It will likely just have ray tracing in the forza vista and photo mode.

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Lol your set-up is a 8700k and 1080ti… :laughing::laughing:
Not only is the Xbox series X more powerful than your Pc, but my personal computer is also far better than what you have, (but not quite as good as my series X, though it does have more Ram)

you can do a lot of stuff from the usercfg.opt file.

I run with 4 times the shadow resolution, and increased LOD’s (REALLY hard on the CPU). Photogrammetry on 800% objects LOD is amazing though. Gives the 5800X a workout.

improved shadows;

increased LOD;


Nope, still not an Xbox thing. The game is poorly optimised across the board for Xbox AND PC.

How do you substantiate these claims when pc users are having the exact same performance issues?

SX hardware is not the issue here … :person_facepalming:

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Because as I mentioned, Indiafoxtecho have had to make a separate xbox version of their F-35 because of memory limitations on the Xbox, though to be honest the Series S is probably the issue.

Straight from the horses mouth…
Xbox has real memory limitations currently in Fs2020…

Xbox Series X specs are fine, but the way it manages and allocates it’s 16gb of Ram is not fine.

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I suppose we will just need to wait for a company like LM to purchase the codebase for FS2020 like they did for FSX in order to make it into a better product like that “other flight simulator”.

It would be better if someone came up with a whole new code base, this code base is old and tired…

I didnt think LOD could go beyond 400 since that was introduced?

Could you share the .cfg your using

Weather Update was first started in SU6, then also updated in SU7. At the time, that was the #1 requested update, to make live weather match real weather by including METAR. You can go back to the development blogs from last year and verify this was the #1 request. SU6 had very hard transitions. I remember spawning at the airport in Alaska, and it would be all sunny and the grass and trees were green, and you go a little way down the runway for takeoff, and suddenly it would shift to overcast and snow on the ground and covering the trees. SU7 they addressed some of those hard transitions, and updated the clouds some, but Asobo has said they need to do more. It’s been an evolution. I think SU9 I remember something about popcorn clouds.

So @BlackSanta512 was not just pulling stories out the air. The Live Weather rework has been an ongoing process since SU6.

The optimizations that were done for XBox would have had to occur even if console was never in the planes. The data layer was all brand new code. The user interface was all brand new code. But the base layer of MSFS, it was the original FSX code that had all the rules and physics engine. It was single threaded code and managed memory poorly. Remember the days when lower end PC’s would struggle? VR was only for really high end PCs. The future plans for MSFS, be it the expansions, or VR, or some of the great additions we are seeing now, they would not have worked well with a FSX core. That code was always going to have to be rewritten to be multi-threaded and more modern.

Inside Microsoft Flight Simulator - Xbox Ports, Performance, PC Optimisations - The Asobo Breakdown! - YouTube

All this optimization, it took place in only a couple of months. It was a huge effort to convert old FSX code into modern code, especially trying to determine what some of the old code was actually doing. Somethings weren’t actually modelled, but had static factors used (we have heard Seb talk about these over the last year, like for example when implementing CFD). But since there were so many bugs at first release of the optimized code, and some LOD changes, etc, since then everything that has come up where PC users think there has been a degradation, it obviously has to be because of XBox. No. I’m sorry the release of SU5 was so rough. It was monumental in terms of a coding effort. And there were bugs and some unintended things that had to be adjusted. But lets be clear, that whole optimization effort was not just for console. PC users can have lower pc requirements now. VR users are enjoying better performance of VR. Spectacular addons are being added. Not every bad thing that has ever happened in MSFS history is due to XBox, and everything good is solely because of PC.

you can’t from the sim options. You could always edit the usercfg.opt file.

Just looks for the ‘objects LOD’ and ‘terrain LOD’ lines, and set them to a higher value (8.000000 for 800%).

For the shadows;

		MaxSliceCount 4
		Size 8192
		DLightContributionCullingThresholdS0 0.100000
		DLightContributionCullingThresholdS1 0.100000
		DLightContributionCullingThresholdS2 0.100000
		DLightContributionCullingThresholdS3 0.100000
		OmniContributionCullingThreshold 0.050000

Edit the top half of the file, the bottom half is for VR settings.

I used to fly with 500/500 configured via the CFG file. I can’t really do that anymore, not an acceptable frame rates at least. Here’s hoping SU10 is a return to the good times.

Is there evidence of this though or are you basing it off the timing of Xbox release and updates around the same time?
It could just be coincidence, I mean didn’t the PC release have a lot of issues at first?

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I’m gonna see what I can push in VR.:grin:
Never touched past 100 LOD nor 2K shadows.