Is there a hotfix coming for WU6 issues?

Would not be the 1st time …


Mines the same, spot on since the last World update, good performance and graphics on my PC

It’s a shame to hear that Xbox users are having the same quality degradation issues PC users have complained about after every update…at least they are showing no favoritism to one platform versus the other.

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hah, good luck. They still haven’t hot-fixed critical issues that was introduced in sim update 5 :stuck_out_tongue:

Asobo doesn’t know the concept of continuous hot-fixing. You can only fix issues in intervals of months, according to their rigid sim update schedule :slight_smile:


me too for 2 days running like a champ, but then the very next time i crank it up, without making any setting changes or add-ons, it’s suddenly low frame rates, stuttering and 2 CTDs. I get disgusted and angry and just don’t even want to deal with it anymore. What the hell is with this software?
It’s getting so that I just stop using it because I don’t know if it’s gonna work right or not. Am I going to spawn at the ramp after picking a location, choosing an aircraft, setting up a flight plan and the weather I want to fly and suddenly have to shut it all down because I’m getting 15 fps? when yesterday it was just fine!!!

Hey, talking about graphics… Does anyone have a good reshade to shear? Because I was navigating on the web and I found a video of a guy that has literally real-life colors! I think it was with reshade and I install the program to see if I can get a little closer to those colors, but it was a failure. Does anyone have some reshades there? Thank You.

Btw the guy’s name is “Variable” he has a Youtube channel.

Thanks, actually I hadn’t, but I definitely will next time!

you can also try nvidia filters but you must install nvidia experience. you can adjust every single paameter to suite your liking

If it’ll get the mouse to stop disconnecting yes

Nvidia freestyle right? Can you share some settings please? Thanks

Yes that’s it!

Personally I only use a single filter called “details” without adjusting any values but please test and adjust to you liking :slight_smile:

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For sure. Im on the XSX and before update 6 the performance was perfect. After the update the performance is full of micro stutters, poor rendering, ■■■■■■ draw distance and popping. Buildings look like piles of rubble. I hope the fix comes soon.


The next couple of months I hope bring big changes as it’s meant to be all Sim Update stuff, no more content updates other than the air races stuff and the Junkers plane for the rest of the year. What kind of Altitudes do typically operate at can I ask?

I use the freestyle filters from the Nvidia experience and they work very well for me.
I adjust the details, colour, and brightness contrast filters.

Not much point in sharing any settings I use though as it’s going to be very dependent on your monitor and personal preferences.

Just remember to turn off the auto optimisation settings in the geforce experience app if you haven’t used it before, otherwise it will adjust all your in-game settings.

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they have gone quit after xbox port…nothing to say anymore

There not interested they have our money that’s in there bank account . We have an expensive sim which in some cases is implayable mate

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Considering the absence of a hotfix for the myriad SU5 issues I wouldn’t get your hopes up.

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