Ju 52

Hi all!
I’ve moved this into an existing wishlist topic on mirror textures. Feel free to up vote in that topic.

FROM Asobo:

“The idea about the livery production is to use more modern methods for higher resolution liveries. Rather than the old way of simply using textures, we use geo and decals for efficient memory and performance at much higher resolutions, and the intent is to only use the mirrored texture part for the things that do mirror, again doubling the resolution of those details. A consequence is that there is a higher technical bar to create these. Hope this is helpful in some way, though I realize it doesn’t make your textures just work as you’d like them to.”

More information about mirror textures in this Dev Q&A (near the bottom):

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Get rid of mirrored textures to allow for better repaints