We are getting there. At first fps was in the 20’s and dropped below that a few times. once i got in the air and let things settle down FPS was around 30.
I’m desapointed too.
Big setup but low fps (10-15fps) when I land on big cities (Paris Charles de Gaulles - JFK or Atlanta for examples) when I pass 2000 feet the FPS are back around 35/40 on big cities.
My setup : 5600x@4.65ghz - 3080 RTX - 32Gb@3200mhz - 1To SSD - 4K TV 60hz (other AAA games works perfectly 4k@60hz) / My settings : by default the SIM set the game on ULTRA 4k
I think this sim/game was badly coded… the excuse about it’s the entire world bla-bla-bla is a ■■■■■■■■… the entire world is not show at the screen on real-time…
the issue is LOD and CPU core bottleneck at 4K. Yes Asobo needs to improve this but you have to understand that this game has push hardware beyond the limit of any flight sim before.
I can understand that - but why Asobo decide to launch a sim with an old technology ? DX12 will - maybe - solve this problem ?
My setup is new, others AAA games works perfectly 4k@60hz, on FS20, OK landscape weather are great but photogrammetry’s building and trees are not so beautiful…
So for now, I will switch between “high end settings” (to land on big cities) and “ultra” on cruise altitude to enjoy landscape… thanks Asobo “great job”…
Create a “backup / screenshots” of your current settings. In case of degradation you can ‘roll-back’.
In Nvidia Control Panel:
Textuur filteren - Kwaliteit: Hoge Snelheid
Verticale Synchronisatie: Snel
Weinig vertraging-modus: Ultra
Note: Hiermee is het een beetje oppassen omdat ik een 1440p monitor gebruik op 144Hz. Aan de andere kant gebruik ik 2 monitoren. 1x 27inch en 1x 25inch. Dus theoretisch moet jouw GPU hier zeker geen moeite mee hebben.
Herstart je PC (en dus FS) nadat je deze 3 settings hebt veranderd. En vergelijk de performance (screenshots).
Sure: For now we’re only optimizing your CPU. As you can see your GPU is getting bored. Next step will be to route some performance to your GPU and create some eye-candy.
Maybe bump the rendering scale up and the rest of graphic settings to ultra like shadows and AO .Medium on the LOD settings like trees,buildings and all traffic stuff off.
Otherwise there is not much you can do besides getting a better cpu,mobo,ram. Worth it.
I am thinking of upgrading my CPU because not only MFSM is having a hard time running, but also other new games are low on FPS. I am probably going for a 10th gen i5. I hope this will improve the preformance a bit and this should also prevent bottlenecking. i’m keeping the 1070 for now as it runs fine and i don’t want to spill to much money at the same time.
Guys hi, I am looking for assistance where fps are concerned…As u see it’s pretty low coming into JFK. In looking at the CPU usage and the GPU usage, can more be done to get better frames? My specs are i7 6700k @ 3.5 Ghz. GTX1070 and as you can see 32 GBs of Ram…Below are my settings for the Sim as well.
Well i definitly have to upgrade, but thats not gonna happen b4 year’s end. So i am trying to how i can work with what i have. About overclocking: not sure if my mobo can handle it. Its an ok Mobo but not the strongest (Asrock B250)
I would say its Ok now in flight. I get around 30 FPS when flying over a not densely populated area. When i fly over a city or a big airport or when taking off or landing it drops back to 10-20 FPS.
could it also be that i have to much diveces plugged in? I have a wheel, Hotas, trackir, headset, stickshifter
Extra’s like a Joystick, pedals etc. are not a real problem because they directly send their input to the PC. These are the same inputs as using your keyboard only a whole lot faster. I wouldn’t use the trackir device. With a ‘headset’ you mean headphone?
This is where your Pc has to do a lot of work. Like showing buildings, bridges, roads, traffic etc. Theoretically you should be able to minimize the calculation-distance by decreasing your LOD value, but in my case this doesn’t make any difference.
Back to gaining some performance:
Decrease your render-level from 100 to 80 (or 90). Let me know what´s still acceptable for your rig.
Of course this will also effect your screen resolution which we’ll try to compensate (a little) in your NVidia settings by using ‘sharpening’.
By just switching ON this setting it will use the default value which is the one we use. Of course save and restart FS after every change.
(Keep in mind you also have some “headroom” in your traffic settings which you can decrease some more to gain some performance).
A screenshot of your current startup situation would be nice. Here´s my current situation
Hi @Keyarge sorry you are experiencing poor performance in MSFS. I can tell you my brother has a GTX 1070 and has a great experience in VR using Rift CV1 so that GPU is clearly good enough if you tempor expectations. As you indicated the GPU is underused, so the rest of your system more specifically your CPU is holding you back.
My advice would be to disable all traffic (boats, cars etc) and AI and start will Low GPU settings and see if you can get the sim running stable at over 20+fps - pick low impact plane like the Robin. You’ll be able to increase the Graphical settings to some medium settings and try other planes as you understand more about what’s eating fps. Turn both the Graphical LOD settings down to 80% and try changing render scaling to around 90% with TAA enabled.
Ok, i became impatient and went and bought myself a new CPU. An I5 10th gen. I’ll be installing it tomorrow. I’ll get back to you after i installed the new CPU and tested the new settings.