Make Online AI more open to the third-party developers / suggested SDK enhancements / modded Online AI - specific bug report

I think a really big limitation exists with the ATC. It has a very hard time dealing with incoming flights. I have experimented with 5 and 10 minute arrival intervals and neither works very well at multiple runway commercial airports. It’s mostly multiple flyovers, missed approaches, and go arounds with few if at all arriving flights if you are lucky. The game ATC has no idea how to put planes in holding patterns and sequence arrivals at this point. It could also be an issue with how the game reads AI traffic bgl files. I think Live traffic suffers from inadequate ATC as well. Planes that can’t be cleared by ATC just disappear or just fly over. Certainly there can be a lot of reasons and variables in play. Reception, transponders etc. A standalone airport editor/World editior that is easier to use than the current in game SDK is a must. Users if they wish, need to be able to define runways for departures and arrivals, as well as define parking. All runway exits and ramps must be usable to clear aircraft which would help to negate go arounds. Third parties should be allowed to develop stand alone ATC and AI programs that can work with Online and Offline traffic as I think this is beyond what Asobo can do at least at the moment to improve these areas. Hoping also that it becomes easier for freeware plane painters to be able give what they have to the MSFS 2020 community. Over the years these people have been vital to the realism of sim products. You can’t thank em enough