Yeah, when I fly from Crete to the Balkan my memory fills up, starts emptying if I stay in the pause menu. And I only get like 32 fps of a 3080, but when the memory starts filling it goes down to 18 and then lower ant lower untill it crashes.
Just wanted to mention-
You can press “ctrl-shift-esc” and that will bring up the task manager as a shortcut
Has there been any communication from the team about solving this issue?
I mean, it pretty much breaks using time acceleration in the sim altogether… which I assume would affect a ton of users
and makes the sim more realistic
Cross posting from the other related thread:
Just did a few tests with the latest patch-
Started out at a solid 30fps.
Started in Atlanta, used time acceleration for about 20 seconds and dropped it back to 1x over downtown. Framerate dipped to stream in new assets, then after about a minute the data was streamed in and the framerate wouldn’t go above 27.
Used time acceleration again for another 20 seconds, continuing to fly east. Dropped out to 1x, and it took even longer for the data to stream in. After about 2 minutes it seemed that everything was streamed in, and my FPS wouldn’t go above 18.
Put on Time acceleration for a third time, did it for 20 seconds, dropped it to 1x. Data streaming took a really long time… it was streaming in new stuff for about 3-4 minutes. I actually got an error that popped up on screen that said my bandwitdth wasn’t good enough for photogrammetry streaming (I have never seen this message before). Tabbed out to check bandwitdth, and it was fine otherwise. The game finally streamed everything in and the frame rate wouldn’t go above 5 fps.
At this point I quit the program back to windows.
Loaded it up again, this time flying out of Detroit. Did the exact same thing outlined above and had the exact same results. I didn’t get a bandwidth warning this time, but after using time acceleration 3 times my frame rate was locked at 5-7 fps even after letting the sim run at 1x for 10 minutes flying straight forward.
Yeah, I can’t use sim rate in MSFS because of this. In P3D it works very smooth. MSFS? It needs to be fixed. No biggie.
Hello all. I am the originator of this thread. I still have the same system as in the original post, but recently I upgraded from 32 to 64 GB system RAM memory.
I see the same simulator behaviors as earlier. With my quality settings, my CPU is at about 30-40% and my GPU is at 25-35%. When I increase my Sim Rate to X2 or X4, I see my limited internet cannot provide enough textures and things get fuzzy at 6000 feet. I see memory use increase and very slow to recover.
However with 32 GB, the memory increase from 20 to 25 GB used a large percentage of my physical 32 GB. This became very tough to fly and recover from, even when setting the Sim Rate back to real time.
Now with 64 GB, I see the same increase from 20 to 30 GB memory use. However, since this is a much lower percentage of 64 GB, I no longer see the crazy drop in frame rate. I also find the additional memory can recover memory and textures more quickly.
So, it you like to increase Sim Rate, or slew your position, I would say a memory increase is helpful. Keep your memory use well below 50%, and the simulator is usable over 1200nm, 5 hour flights.
Thanks, Dan
TL;DR: I think this problem doesn’t happen if the PC has less than 32 GB RAM.
I was surprised to find this thread and that it started so long ago. I started having this issue on this last France WU. I thought it was the culprit, until I saw this thread. Then I noticed: Right about the same time, I upgraded my system memory from 16 to 32 MB RAM. Before, I never noticed memory leaks. The game just tended to approach 100% memory when flying over dense photogrametric cities, like NY. Leaving the area, the memory usage diminished accordingly.
It seems to me that the memory saving strategies the game adopts for people with less than 32 GB RAM keeps them from the memory leak. Once the player has 32 or more, such strategies are not used and the leak starts.
By the way, I seem to get this problem almost instantly upon entering France territory at high altitudes and increased sim rate. Haven’t tried other situations yet.
the memory dump in this yes is ridiculous. and I’m also having this with 24 gb after update4.
Juts to confirm that after the recent updates etc, this issue still exists. To recreate:
- Fly anywhere over land (for me the issue does not appear over water). Increase the sim rate to the maximum - doesn’t need to be max for the issue to arise, but this will show it fastest
- RAM usage will gradually increase - for me from about 18/20Gb (whole system, so not just MSFS usage) to 30Gb+
- I have 32Gb RAM, so at this point the sim becomes very stuttery and frame rates very poor
- Reducing sim rate to 1x will eventually release the used memory - and sometimes this can be triggered quickly if heading out over a body of water
- Frame rates struggle to recover and never recover to the original pre sim rate speed up levels
Managing RAM usage is key. Reducing sim rate to 1x when RAM gets to c. 75% usage (so 24Gb for me) keeps the issue under control, but does constrain quite significantly the amount I can use the sim rate to speed up flights
OK, so I did a little experiment tonight. I “borrowed” some RAM and so temporarily upgraded to 64Gb RAM. I thought I’d see how far this memory leak would go if I left it. So I started crossing Northern Africa in the TBM - no PG or built up areas - lots of bare barren mountains and desert - so should be low on scenery etc. Cranked up to maximum sim rate and watched what happened.
Well, a few interesting things.
First off, the sim happily chewed through all the available RAM and topped out at about 56Gb usage for MSFS plus the rest of the system giving total overall usage 61.2Gb out of the 64Gb. I think it would have kept going, but by then frame rates were in the seconds per frame and not the other way around.
You can also see that CPU usage is pretty low (I usually see 50% each on cores 7 and 8), and GPU usage is essentially zero - we were in slideshow territory here
To it’s credit, the sim kept going at about 10 ish FPS for a long time after hitting 35-40Gb of RAM usage, but it did gradually get worse.
At this point I paused the sim and thought I’d wait to see if the RAM usage reduced. It didn’t for quite a few minutes (5 or 6), and then suddenly it dropped about 20Gb down to 37Gb. Unfortunately something wierd began to happen with the FPS. This did get better, but seemed to get itself stuck at exactly 10 FPS according to dev mode. This continued even though the RAM usage dropped to 20Gb in MSFS. Playing around with graphics settings didn’t make any difference - just stuck on 10FPS
So very odd behaviour. The sim didn’t crash though, but it took ages to quit back to the main menu, where RAM usage fell to the usual 3-4Gb level in the menus etc.
No idea if this helps anyone!
It seems to be not just sim rate increase that causes this memory leak but restarting a flight as well. I had three restarts today using the same flight criteria. The first one I restarted very early into the flight due to the AP not functioning (seems to be happening more frequently for me, TBM 930).
When I am fully loaded in the sim my mem usage sits somewhere right around 16-18 GB of 32 GB total. Once I begin a flight it will usually increase to somewhere around 20 and stabilize there. Today after the first restart it immediately jumped up to around 24 GB used. I flew for about 20 minutes and promptly crashed on approach (Katmandu to Lukla, I’ve yet to successfully land there!). At the time of the crash I had less than 3 GB of total mem free with the sim eating up almost 28 GB. Needless to say trying to land in one of the toughest airports in the world limping along at single digit FPS is simply impossible.
have you also check the commited amount of memory, e.g. with help of resource manager ?
We discussed about similar case here: Performance Degradation with Upgrade - #1743 by MichaMMA
( follow the posts )
Some users report a huge memory usage, like a possible leak, with usage of slew ( or some kind of mods, e.g. fbw ). In case you run into strange high pagefile usage, then may be the trouble will start.
Committed memory was high too - I did have the window open to watch that, but didn’t post pictures. Committed memory did get to the point where it exceeded 64Gb which I guess is when the page file would kick in?
Slew does create this behaviour too and I think relates to an inability to deal with the speed the scenery is moving across the view - almost like it is loaded but can’t display as by the time it tries to display the plane has moved on, so it loads the next bit…but never lets the first bit go. Clearly I know nothing about computers!
commited is what the app/process real wants to have. Windows use the pagefile for e.g. moving other app-data into or get more memory for the app. And in case the overall commited memory is higher as your RAM ( note: there are also other app running beside msfs ) then pagefile is used too.
Your current size of allocated pagefile can you see in windows settings dialog ( or chck the hidden files on C: ).
Note: if you want to have all counts at one place, you can also use the Taskmanger Details Tab and within you can activate all what you need ( right click on a colum heading ). As example:
With 64GIG RAM I set 4GIG Max pagefile. I not realy want that windows use the pagefile …
May be the issue can only avoided by not using slew ( or in case a mod cause it, just not the mod ).
I have also had this issue for months. Seems to occur randomly. I have Ryzen 5600 and RTX 2700 and usually have 25-35 FPS running at 1440 with a mix of ultra and high settings.
This morning I was flying over the Pyrenees and frames drop to 10-12. I was NOT using increased sim rate at this time, although previous it was pretty typical when I flew at 8 or 16X. Frame rate limited by main thread, using 28 out of 32 GB RAM. I usually switch the graphics to the Low preset, fly for a few minutes , watch the RAM drop into the teens, then I can reset to high or ultra.
The annoying thing is a spend a few minutes redoing my graphics settings each time. Anyone identify a specific setting that has the most impact on this? I could drop just that setting down instead…
I don’t recall ever noticing it when flying normally without slew or sim rate.
this is, depend on resolution, LOD and scenery , not rare usage of memory. As you can see in my former posted image the app used 25G working / 34G commited ( playing near 4k, near all ultra , screenshot while flew over London ).
Not “normal” is, that 64GIG RAM running completely full. But as I said in the older linked post : "the memory managment needs “optimized”
I’m not smart enough to do what some of you guys have done but can confirm that I use time advance regularly going between airports and sooner or later get a CTD. FSX did the same blurring thing but always recovered well. Wonder when/if MS/Asobo could fix