MSFS 1950 - Historical Airports

I’m having a flashback to FSX… Did someone make a plugin that changed the era? I feel like it changed the jet models to props and maybe updated some airports???

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I mentioned this in another thread, but I’ve always felt that the US Airmail Route beacon system would be a very cool sub-package. It would take 15 period correct airstrips, and approximately 1,500 arrow beacons placed by geodata. Maybe throw in a few generic small town water towers painted with town name, maybe a building here or there with the town name on the roof. I’d fly it in the Carenado Waco.

It would be way too much work, but a package that recreates old Route 66 landmarks would be cool too. There are a lot of funky old nostalgic landmarks on 66. It was the nation’s primary cross country highway when it was constructed, so thousands of small entrepreneurs set up all kind of strange roadside attractions in order to get travelers to stop and spend money at their business.


This also came up recently in a Staggerwing thread. @Megadyptes7635 referenced the Silver Wings and Golden Wings packages for Flight Sim 2004.


Phenomenal ideas! And simpler airplanes, airports, structures, etc. is the one thing we CAN do in MSFS.

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Just needs someone with the skills to do it! You will see from the other string that the package is still out there but the folks behind it do not seem to be developing anymore. As I understand it, it covered specific areas.

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Have you seen that there is an add-on for Croydon Airport on - • Recreation of Croydon Airport, London (Now Closed) 1930's / 1940's Representation by Jeppeson2001


Wow! See that’s exactly the type of thing I am talking about.


One down, quite a lot left to go! Have also remembered that some old airfield sceneries came bundled with some of Golden Age Simulation’s aircraft for P3D, eg Just Flight - Golden Age Simulations Pitcairn PA-5 Mailwing and Sport Mailwing Collection

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I am not too optimistic. Would be great though

I’m new to this, I don’t even know what that means, does that mean I buy it it’s a DLC on this game? Because, that would be cool.

London (LCY)'s cool enough for modern flying for me in this game.
I only do console gaming and this is Cloud Gaming on Xbox with my Xbox Pass.

It’s a free download. You put in your community folder and enjoy!

…but not on Xbox, unfortunately.

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I’d look into it… So I just type Croydon into the search on this game in the marketplace?

No, I initially missed the part where you said xbox. The free stuff is only on PC, unfortunately.

Can’t win them all… I’d love for that in-game time and weather thing to be able to go back in time… You set it to 1992 or 1922 (etc) and it’ll do that, map and all… Who knows, maybe one day?


Hi @treborillusion , sorry been away eating! As @CommanderTin says it is a free download but only for PC. If you ever decide to make the jump then has over 28,000 freeware mods and counting!

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Hi Waldo, would be cool to give it a go, though. Fantastic idea. I think some arrows still exist.

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They do indeed - Concrete Arrows and the U.S. Airmail Beacon System - Sometimes Interesting

Given that I found that something similar does appear in the sim on the coast of Somerset I wonder if some of these are also visible in the sim?


Is making liveries as easy as uploading bmps and jpegs and pngs to a skin maker, so I can paint airliners my own airline brands?
I just forked out monies for British Airways livery, but, if I got it on PC, could I make my own planes with ease, or, would I have to be a very good artist?

I also see Superman and Ironman and dragons flying around on this forum, are these things easy to make?
I want a bunch of Boeings and Airbuses etc with long hair and hats and sun glasses and smoking spliffs and stuff, like one could be wearing a crown, another could have shades and a top hat and frizzy hair, another could have a long hair and flower and rainboy shades and big fat joint…

Are these things easy to do on PC?
How do people create things like custom flying stuff?

Also… I want solid gold wrapped planes too.
:grin: and chrome and everything.

What’s the spec on this game for PC?

How much money do you want to spend? That much.

I had an old system that I stuck a GeForce RTX2070 Super into shortly after MSFS launch. That machine died, so it was a great time to drop $2600 on new components. I aimed quite a bit higher than my “mid-tier” systems over the years. I didn’t get a new GPU because I wasn’t going to spend $2600 on all that gear, and then ANOTHER $2600+ on a GPU. :face_vomiting: (I “only” run in 3480x1080, but the sim looks really good with the settings cranked up!)

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Heh I’ve walked over that arrow IRL a few times. It was used to direct planes onto the bombing range on the beach at Brean in WW2. On the tip of the peninsula where the Arrow is there’s also an old 19th century fort, Brean Down Fort, that was upgraded with some heavy guns for the world wars as well and it was also the place where they tested the bouncing bombs of Dambusters fame. You can still see the remains of the rails they used to launch the prototype bombs off into the sea. Interesting place.

That’s really awesome! Gonna have to download that and fly around with some of the vintage planes we already have. As someone else mentioned above Golden Age Simulations bundled old airport sceneries into some of their FSX/P3D releases and they were really cool.
Edit: oh it was you that mentioned it lol.

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