MSFS 2024 is Not Ready For Release

If you are happy good for you but please don’t try to tell other users who do not share your feelings that they are the reason for their disappointment. Your post was just excuses. All the things not working properly including the cloud services are integral to the operation of the sim and therefore it’s fair to include those in any assesment. If the cloud is bad the Sim is bad. No excuses

The sim is not ready and some users can’t see that or have much lower standards.


Is there an ongoing thread that shows all of the comments and updates that support has been posting? Such as the banner notifications on the forum that have appeared throughout the day.

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I realize this all just our own subjective opinions, and like politics, folks are unlikely to budge on where they stand with this.

The first plane I tried was the steam 172, and it simply won’t start. We’re talking really basic and fundamental stuff here. It made me sad to be honest.

I could laundry list everything I’ve seen in the past 5 flights or so, after the struggles it took just to get to those flights, but my own opinion is it wasn’t ready for release, and the OP was right.

I would have welcomed Jorg coming on the stream and saying, “Hey guys, we want to make this really special, and we want you to have a great experience, so we’re gonna hold the sim for 6 months until everything is ready.” Or even better: “Hey guys, the sim isn’t quite ready yet, but we know many of you are eager to play it even if it isn’t ready, so we’re offering an early access period at a discounted rate. Test pilots will get the full sim now and won’t have to pay more later”. Would have been totally cool with that as well.


At least you can fly. Many of us are stuck on the Free Flight page. This game is not working for thousands of people. There is nothing “subjective” about that “fact”. This game doesn’t work for many who “paid” their price for this game with an “inherent” promise a service would be “rendered”.


Also when one of the largest PC YouTubers does this piece… ouch.

And he’s exactly right. The sim is a terrible design and choice, nowhere near anything they tried to sell us on.


I just don’t get how this is a thing.

The steam 172 and the G1000 172 worked right away.

I too can come up with a laundry list of nit picks, but that’s not what this is about.

I can make a laundry list of nitpicks about 2020 today. And Xplane 12.

FS2024 today is in as good a state or better than FS2020 or Xplane 12 today.

That might be subjective, but that’s my absolute experience.

I didn’t entirely. I did point blank agree that the cloud services are an issue that need to be resolved. But something that is server side and takes a few days to resolve doesn’t constitute the sim not being ready.

Yeah, we’ve established across our interactions across multiple threads that in my opinion your expectations / standards are ridiculous and in your opinion my expectations / standards are abysmal. I got it.

But apples to apples 2020 to 2024 - the sim I’d rather fly going forward as experienced today is 2024. No question, no doubts.

And if even half of the userbase share my opinion, cloud services notwithstanding, then objectively the sim is ready for release.

Individuals may not be happy with it in this state, and they are welcome to enjoy 2020 or xplane 12, but to say this sim isn’t ready is just not fair. Period.

If it’s not working for you, that’s either down to your hardware, your OS, your expectations (expecting PMDG to work day one was never gonna happen and even Asobo admitted that, though they did over promise in that area initially), or your luck with the cloud services.

Yep, the cloud services are hit or miss right now. But they will get better in a few days as they find and eliminate bottlenecks. But the sim just looks and feels amazing.

As I’ve said from the beginning: Being ready for release is a very subjective matter and everyone has their own criteria. There is no such thing as a “correct expectation” for a release. You can argue that someone had too high an expectation, but that doesn’t make their expectation wrong.

I’ve even joked here that the opinions on this topic about what the minimum expectation we should have for the release would be range from: “Having a smooth release, running at 4K 60 FPS on a potato and having absolutely no bugs” to “Just loading”. But it’s bizarre that for some, the release didn’t even meet the bare minimum of expectation that a person could have.

It’s curious to see how insistent some here are on wanting to see the glass half full. I feel like some people will obviously focus on the server issue if it prevents them from accessing the simulator and having any other opinion about MSFS 2024.

Honestly, what opinion do you expect someone who hasn’t been able to load MSFS 2024 for 36 hours to have about it being ‘‘ready for release’’? There’s no point criticizing these people because they want to focus solely on this issue and ignore the ‘beauty’ of the simulator, if they literally can’t see that beauty while they’re stuck on a loading screen right now.


I would have been surprised if the rollout had been good - not flawless or perfect - just good. That’s why I didn’t delete 2020 or rush to install 2024.
It is too ambitious. It is far too dependent on the server(s) side, which also means the user’s ISP’s are a factor, as is the individual user’s connections and data rates. With so many dependencies it was inevitable that the rollout would be fraught with logistical and technical problems - let alone any software glitches. I hope they’ll get their arms around it sooner than later - it looks like they are trying very hard to do that. I think they understand the assignment and are aware of the consternation of the community.
I don’t begrudge people being upset - but surprised? hostile? outraged?
The world will keep on turning regardless of all that - and Microsoft will ensure that its Flagship Entertainment Software Franchise is a success in the end.
The mountains and forests outside are real - this is just a flight sim. It’s gonna be ok.


Ok, I managed to get some flights going (most simmers are in bed).
Here are some findings:

  • Could not get a flight all day but started loading planes/scenery suddenly at 2am and everything started working (I guess server load went down)
  • It crashes on exit every time
  • Trees seem heavy on performance (going from ultra to medium added 15fps, close to the ground)
  • Cities/photogrammetry looks same as 2020 but somewhat heavier on performance
  • Aerodynamic visualisation annoyingly keeps turning itself on
  • Saved cockpit views are bugged - randomly project 5meters in front of the plane/cockpit
  • Rotor trim non-existent/not working on most helicopters and some small planes
  • A400M reset itself just as I was taxing for take-off
  • At around 4:30 AM local time it stopped working (probably early simmers waking up and clogging the servers)

The positive:

I did a helicopter flight in the French Alps - winter mountains look INSANE. The new normal map projections + ground textures work some magic. Very convincing, icy, rocky, hostile and atmospheric.
The difference here to 2020 mountains (with all the DEMs/sceneries I have) is night and day. I advise you all to jump in a helo and check it out (servers permitting).

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Since you can start your steam gauge 172, make sure you let folks on those threads know that the plane they paid extra for isn’t working because of their hardware, Windows, and/or their expectations. That will help them narrow it down.

Fixed that for you.


Yes, it was available since the launch. However, it’s miles behind simbrief. I hope Working Title will continue to improve it

Microsoft scams us all with this piece of ■■■■… I payed 139 Euros for a Game what wont Run… The next is that i dont get my Money back from Steam because i was 10 hours in Queue… That was the Last Game i payed from Microsoft…

hello, no it runs, not perfect but it loads for me, i can fly from my home airport, and the loading time to come in is maximum 5 minutes. So I dont know why you cant run it. I hope you find a way for it.

aside from performance that was really horrendous on my rig I also found that apart from light effects which i did really like and felt an obvious upgrade the overall image quality is not there, and not on par with 2020



in both cases everything was set on ultra with tlod 400


Yes, totally agree - noticed that too (very much so).

Yes, there were server issues. But then you started talking about bugs, and that they should never have redesigned to stream. Of the issues you listed, the ones below are coding issues and have nothing to do with streaming whatsoever

There is no option to download anything.
No option to disable addons.
The globe turns around in the menu like crazy (probably due to Tobii)
Tobii headtracking crashes the sim when trying to change the settings (same as the 2020 version when it was implemented! back then)
The UI is awful! With a very limited color selection again, and can’t be changed due to being a protected file. (as far as I could see at this time after doing a quick edit)
Can’t set font size below size 18 and on 4k it’s too big.
Why not load directly into the menu on boot?
Devmode can’t exit from the devmenu.

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I think is not ready, they rollout a beta. It’s not only the servers, it’s all. If you develop a software that is based on streaming and the streaming architecture collapse it means that you did not consider the main part of the project. They talk about firs day but yesterday I couldn’t fly too. And there are a lot of bugs, I barely used it, but I saw many. And the Marketplace is not open. They should have wait, and if they decided to release on November they did a big mistake, because a big software house like MS should be able to predict very well the roadmap, sure there can be small bugs, but not all this mess. It’s when money wins on good job

Yeah I like what they have done already. They have an opportunity to be competitive.

The load from avionics and save to avionics commands could be very powerful for the G1000 and airliner MCDU etc.

My game works mostly fine, issue being long loading times(not always). On lauch day i wasnt able to enter either. I havent got any bugged screens. Another issue i noticed was that the Mont Blanc runway, which should be concrete, had gray grass growing on it. However my friends game(his pc is stronger than mine) struggles more. His loading times are unacceptable (5min+), if anything happens at all. And when he is able to enter the instructor oftentimes got the error texture blocking half his screen.

Hope these issues are being resolved soon!

The launch of this game, its current state and also with some promised features missing proves yet again to me the senselessness of preordering virtually any game nowadays.

Why do people do this? For a free plane (in this case) that you will get anyway whenever you buy the game? I can understand maybe if we are talking about a financially strapped indie developer short of cash. I can also understand if the game is transparently advertised as early access. But this is not what we have here. We have been offered to buy a fully featured game and Microsoft is a trillion dollar profit making corporation not a chairity and not in need of our financial support. The game is also definitely not advertised as being an Alpha, Beta or early access product either.

People, of course, can rightly do what they want with their own money but I have to say that preordering with nothing meaningful in return is something I just don’t understand.

Before I personally buy this game I will be waiting to see how Asobo/Microsoft respond and communicate with their customers and how they intend to address the real issues and valid concerns of their community. How do they intend to make the online streaming nature of the new sim a non issue for example? Will their servers be adequate to cope with demand at peak times? Unfortunately, effective and REAL communication has never been their strong point but I am happy to be proved wrong.

Speaking for myself, I definitely won’t be buying the new sim until I am satisfied that they will be putting their customers first, they address valid concerns and that the new sim provides a meaningful upgrade from the previous sim.