MSFS is 40 years old! How do you fell in love with this sim?

For me I fell in love with flying in 1981 when I was 11 and I took a trip from Sydney with my parents to the UK. Aircraft and flying fascinated me from that moment. In 1984 I saw the ad in Computes! Gazette magazine for the C64 version of SubLogic Flight Simulator 2 and begged for it for Christmas.

I thought the 1-2 frames per second graphics at the time was so exciting - I just wish I could show my 14 year old self what we have now! I have been flying sims ever since - pretty much every major one for the C64, Amiga and PC since those days. I also became a real-world private pilot in 1992 - even the sims from those days (I think I was on FS4 for PC) helped me with learning to fly and read flight instruments, understand the basics of aerodynamics and navigation etc.

Weā€™ve come so far in 40 years - Iā€™m flying VR and it still blows me away every time.


When I got this when I think I was about 4 years old. It was AWESOME!

Oh, and my parents also got me this Beaver addon when I was little too, loved to play with it in the bathtub :slight_smile:

After that, the first thing I got when I got my first computer in 1987, besides a Fortran compiler and the word processor that came with my Leading Edge XT, was F-15 Strike Eagle and Gunship, and, of course, it grew from thereā€¦

I had Flightsim 1, too, but used those more.


WOW. I want one for my boy thatā€™s 4 now! None on eBay at the moment so guessing theyā€™d be quite expensive now if they came up. He loves to pretend to use my Logitech stuff - probably heā€™ll break it one day and heā€™s probably clicked more buttons on it than I have - wearing it out lol

This one was sold for less than $500

Donā€™t know if you trust this site

I just searched for ā€œRemco Jet Cockpitā€ (I was six when it came out, Iā€™m sure thatā€™s the year I got it.).

Before I got into FS4, this gold was amazing fun! Sopwith!

How about those CGA graphics!? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I still have the original files for this one too, but itā€™s easily found online.

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My first Flight Sim game was Flight Sim 5. The only one I didnā€™t buy was FS2004.

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Same here!
And thanks to the popularity of MSFS, it is even included in many benchmarks now. So when Ryzen and Raptor lake launch, it will be a lot easier to choose the right processor.
I remember back in the day, when Twitch and YouTube have not been around, it was pretty hard to find the best hardware, and lots of digging around in forums, etcā€¦

To not remain completely off topic here:
I remember my dad had a 486DX computer back in the early 90s and it had Flight Simulator 5.0 installed. But the computer was used for accounting and I was not really allowed to use it much as a kid. It was not until FS2000 came along, and I finally had my own PC, that I became interested, and not before FS2002 with the introduction of virtual cockpits, that finally got me hooked.

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