[MSFS2024] Pilatus PC-24

Where did you hear the update is dropping today?

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The PC-24 is unusable, and sadly, it’s the choice aircraft for a LOT of Medium Cargo missions in Career Mode.

  1. All the switches and buttons ‘click’, but the visual model does not move, so you have no idea what position the control is actually in. Are the landing lights on or off? Let me just hop to the exterior view and spin the camera around so I can look. Is the landing gear up or down? Let me just hop to the exterior view and…oh, wait…
  2. The Landing Gear does not operate. Even when you use an exterior view and a joystick button, dedicated landing gear controller or keyboard command to raise the gear, it stays down and locked.

1/10 across the board.


One thing you can do, if you REALLY want to use the PC-24 before it’s fixed (like the landing gear, HA HA HA HA… amirite?) …is to open the EFB and set your flight plan up to use a lower altitude before you taxi out.

I had to do that on one of the PC-12 NGX missions because you get hypoxia and crash if you use the chosen FL30. Set it down to 12,000 feet, and you’re golden.

They said the update was the 10th or 12th which I parsed to “it will be the 12th but let’s create some expectations for the 10th”

Not only they tell you when the update is going to be but also when it is not going to be!


well it’s their official statement: @LuisArgerich

there you go :wink:

Well some more things now work, but still can’t fly it.
apparently they only fixed the left side of the plane. Only startable with “control-e”


Confirming that the PC24 is still “grounded”…NOT WOKING at all.

I´ve just waited for this update to make a decision on what to do with this Sim, Microsoft/Asobo you´re making my decision a lot easier to make.
Happy landings to all of you.


Its actually shameful the state that the PC-24 is in, its a premium deluxe aircraft, people bought the second most expensive version of the sim to get access to this, and its totally unusable. The latest update is just so half-■■■■■… does anyone who is working on this aircraft actually open it in the sim and try to see if it functions? You know within the first 30 seconds of hopping in that stuff is broken, switches not working, weird lights on with no batter power. Just laziness…

EDIT: A running list of broken items

Overhead panel:

  • light switches in general not working correctly,
  • landing light bugged
  • right engine start switch/run switch doesn’t work
  • battery switches have strange behavior, half the switches on the elec panel overhead are a mix of on/off when loading in, some work, some don’t, battery switches don’t work great

Main Panel:

  • general weird behavior on the PFD/MFD
  • nav not following the FMS on the PF side, have to use the right side screen for some strange reason
  • fire extinguisher lights on the right side are on, bugged

Lower Pedestal:

  • right throttle is bugged forward, doesn’t work/respond to input
  • spoiler handle doesn’t move/work
  • flap handle responds to input but doesn’t animate/move


  • nose is super floaty on touchdown, has no sense of weight whatsoever

Whoever in the team is responsible for this aircraft, this thing needs a lot of work. The model looks really great, but the systems are just so bugged, the panels don’t work great, the interactions are terrible, and the lack of polish just makes the thing a pig to use or interact with. Its permanently in the hangar until it gets the serious rework and attention that a PD aircraft should have received from day one.


Still not flyable even after the 3rd patch.

Right eyebrow fire detection is on, when starting engines. Right throttle is not moving. Flap lever not moving. Yoke only moving when pitching, not when rolling.

Can’t you get anything right?


Ugh, as so many have already said, it’s a bummer to have such a beautiful aircraft in this sim and have so little of it functioning. I’m not able to run checklists on the aircraft, many buttons not working, animation of levers not working, etc. The two throttles are both set idle, but the cockpit view shows one fully back and the other fully forward. Flap lever does not move even with flaps extended. Hoping this all gets fixed.


This is truly outrageous. Fixing half the plane and just ignoring the other half that obviously still doesn’t work at all. Has something like that ever happened before? Is no one testing this at least once. All the issues are so obvious and can be seen within minutes after loading into the sim.


complete trash


Just confirming all the problems other people are having. Hopefully this can be updated server side without having to wait months.

Can anyone confirm if these problems still exist after clearing Streamed Packages folder, then restarting the sim? I didn’t have time to try this, this morning.


Pilatus PC-24

  • Target specialization edition in aircraft.cfg (as indicated)
  • 3 liveries added (8 in total).

but…guys, they added 3 liveries!


3 liveries that we can’t use because the plane is broken…

What I don’t get is if 3rd Party releases something to the marketplace, it has to go through numerous hoops, testing, QA things before it gets made available.

1st Party, “yeah it’s fine.” Ok then, available.


Unfortunately, yes. I cleared all caches, all shaders, the rolling cache, the sceneryindexes, the stream packages folder, you name it after I updated. No go.


Climbing out using an aggressive autothrottle and only one throttle lever moves.
I gave up after that.

I could’ve sworn this is December but it REALLY feels like April 1st. Microsoft/Asobo quality assurance is at best a bad joke and the PC24 is the best example of it. If this is what they call the “next generation” of flight simming, id rather go back and suffer the terrible performance of 2020


Microsoft and other, what are you doing, are you not able to fix the PC24. It doesn’t work in

Right engine side cannot be switched. The Engine and the Flaps are not

Sorry, but shame you. I can’t beleave it, realy!

Where is your software quality??? Where???


As much as it pains me to say, I agree with this.