MSFS2024 Top 5 Fixes/Requests!

I believe that is one thing XPRealistic has that FSRealistic does not have which is the tilting of the head when the aircraft is banking or pitching but for me I found it pretty distracting and not really enjoyable to use so I always turn it off. I just enjoy the other camera movements such as turbulence, ground roll, reversers, etc.

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Runway lights are always on even in broad daylight and VFR conditions in FS2020. Are they going to fix this in the next version?

Square external lights


Ground contact model to support multi wheel bogey’s


I quite like the Aerofly (disembodied) hands which I find surprisingly immersive.

Sadly, I don’t anticipate any improvements specifically in VR, either in FS2020 or FS2024.

This post is probably 3 years too late for it to have any impact on the 2024 version.

But my contribution is nothing more than fix wide screen displays.

Yes, these are also quite nice!

I think they have to do at least some work on VR because of the walking mode, can’t imagine that will just work.

not only this, all atc orders are wrong, for example landing vor dme atc declares wrong runway head.

Aprart from ongoing career activities, aka they are dynamic. Im hoping for
better defult atc/
ai traffic behaving as is should along with not only airliner traffic but GA aswell, even heli traffic at a push :smile:
working hangers, doors alot of airports have hangers right now but they dont open,
also better defult pushback