Multi Monitor Options For a 7 screen setup

That’s such a sick setup!! I can’t even afford a honeycomb yoke… but look at you, u have such a amazing setup!!

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If the pop-outs aren’t causing any significant FPS loss then the USB adapter seems like a good way to go given you have it working now…

That Sir is a work of art! I cant wait till this one day gets released :wink:

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Thank you kind sir. It will need an update post AAU1 but I’m ready for that.

Hi Crunchmeister71, Thank you for this post (Jan 09). I know I’m a bit late to the party but I’ve come to the same conclusion as yourself regarding the USB 3 Vs second GPU and I’ve spent ages trying to find a compatible ‘cheapo’ without definitive success. So It’s encouraging to read this post because my spec is very similar to yours.
Thanks again.

There are constantly old Quadro cards being dropped off on eBay for under $100. It’s been working out fine for me so far.

Good old days

Thank you, Crunchmeister71.
I have found and ordered one this afternoon. :+1: :+1:

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Just a question to the folks, I’ve tried to run the sim on double monitors, but anytime I activate the second monitor my FPS drops about 30.

I’m using DX12, along with Frame Gen On, on RTX 4090, 7950x3D. Some people told me that, I shouldn’t enable Frame Gen On but haven’t really found an answer. If I turn FG off, then the FPS reduction is even more significant than enabling second monitor.

Hmmmm, something isn’t right. I have the same hardware (7950x3d and a 4090). I am running 3 screens with the MSFS experimental multi-monitor setup (center at 4k and each side screen at 2k) and getting 70-90fps with TAA mode and Frame Gen On (so no DLSS scaling as it makes the cockpit displays too blurry for my liking). You should be able to run 2 screens in 4k no problem at high frame rates. Make sure you have updated and/or reinstalled all of the GPU drivers, and AMD chipset drivers and MOBO Bios (I had to do a lot of those updates when I first built this PC recently since the initial AMD bios on many motherboards had a lot of problems). The only thing I turned on in the Mobo bios was memory overclocking to the standard 6000mhz, the nvidia GPU settings are all stock. Also make sure you have updated the MS Xbox app and importantly have at least opened and run once the MS Game Bar app as that is what helps the AMD chip properly share workload across the CCD and non-CCD cache which makes a difference. Also, after you re-install the Nvdia driver go into nvidia control panel and reset your shader cache settings (you can pick a larger size, save it, then set it back to whatver you want as the act of changing and saving it clears to old cache out…and I noticed an increase in FPS and smoothness that was material when I did this after setting up multiple monitors and changing around all of the resolution settings from what I had on my single monitor and VR use case).

Hi. My set up…My 4090 has one HDMI and 3 DP ports. My three 55" OLEDs are HDMI. So One TV in the HDMI and the other two in one DP port each with separate HDMI to DP adapters. The fourth DP port is where my Pimax Crystal is plugged in. I can’t run the Crystal without disconnecting one of the other ports since the Crystal is seen as two screens. When I disconnect one TV, the Crystal connects just fine. Then, I have the two FlightsSimBuilder G1000s. They are plugged into a StarTech single USB to two HDMI port adapter to the back of the PC. StarTech provides a link to a driver and once installed the screens boot up with the three other TVs in unison. Windows Display Settings works just fine and sees all screens at once. Then, I have a home made a touch LCD panel (using mobiflight) plugged into the integrated CPU via the HDMI port. It also boots fine and shows in display settings with all the others. As far as FPS goes, I have only done some preliminary measurements, not a final as I am still configuring at the moment. Right now I am running all the 55" screens at 4K in FS2020 on ULTRA using DLSS Quality. Planes I have used so far are the C172, Caravan and TBM930. I do not notice frame issues right now. If I do at some point I will either tune down the settings a little or run the side TVs at 2K. I did test 2K on the sides and they still look really good. Regardless, I will always set my center screen to 4K. Just a theory but I think splitting up the GPU load seems to offer good results.


Nice and clean looking sim pit you have there. Looks Fantastic!

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Whoa, this setup is sick. Amazing! I saved the pic for future inspiration. Thanks for posting!

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Hello again #Crunchmeister71,
I said I would let you know how I got on with your suggestion for getting a cheap s\h gpu (1030 or Quadro). I’ve got it now and I also bought a s\h StarTech solid state GPU which I have tried, so for anyone elses benefit, I thouight I’d comment that this was more or less a P&P item. It affects the diplay\touchscreen positions but nothing that a bit of playing around and a few reboots didn’t fix. So I now have 2 x AManager touch screens and a LNM screen working and have freed up 3 of the RTX3070 ports for when my 50" tvs arrive. AM. It was a StarTech MSTMDP123HD. Thanks to you and all that helped me on this matter.

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Hi and thanks all for the great input. I’m looking to drive three 55s (from my 3090 GPU) plus two Air Manager TouchScreen panels (from TBD).

I have a circa 2017 MB that does not feature on-board HDMI or DP, nor does it have a DP Alt mode USB C port.

I’ve been considering the StarTech USB Type A to 2x HDMI - though I’ve read TouchScreen support through the StarTech adapter can be sketchy. StarTech’s own support page for their USB32HD2 notes: " touchscreen functions may be disabled when the USB Video Adapter is connected, or the USB Video Adapter may not work at all." Not encouraging for my use.

Just wondering if anyone is successfully driving their #4 & #5 Air Manager Monitor touchscreens with this particular product? I believe it’s the same USB/HDMI adapter that RealSimGear is selling, though not branded as ST.

Stratojam911 appears to be using this USBtoHDMI adapter driving two additional monitors, but not requiring touch support.

As an alternate, I may opt for the second, cheap video card as has been suggested.

BTW, SpringyCoder440, the StarTech adapter you called out was a mini-DP to HDMI. I do not see the same touchscreen warning on the StarTech FAQ. Glad to hear the mini-DP model is working for you.

Why would the touch be affected by routing the video through USB to HDMI. The Touch has its own dedicated USB connection.

Sling380, I couldn’t begin to say, other than StarTech casting doubt in their own product support FAQ. The StarTech device uses proprietary drivers, so could imagine that might confuse Windows 10 when assigning touch capability across both GPU and USB monitors. Honestly, above my pay grade and just guessing. If folks here are using StarTech to drive their touch monitors, that will be music to my ears.

Indeed folks are using the Startech brand I believe. I don’t myself as I have both a HDMI and DP on my mobo and use a 1 in 3 out DP hub on the mobo DP output to give me eight in total all from graphics ports. The Simstrumentation Discord is a good place to ask about the Startech USB to HDMI adapters because several users there are using those I believe.

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I would suggest that upgrading your base PC should be a priority. While it’s true that technology doesn’t become obsolete as quickly as it did in the Moore’s Law era, 7 years is still several generations ago and if you get a modern motherboard / CPU etc, you’ll have more options. It doesn’t need to be a super-expensive proposition if you pick new parts you can use with your existing kit (RAM, storage, GPU).

I have much the same setup with a 3080Ti and running 4 touchscreens with a startech 4 port HDMI adapter. No issues here. The framerate will take a hit as you run more screens but I’m still getting acceptable fps. The touch portion of the screens run off of usb, so the adapters don’t really factor in there.