My setup: Where to go from here?

Vatsim instead ingame ATC for once, you’ll be covered for the next months.

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I always wondered if it would be possible to apply the same technology that is used for cross-cockpit collimated displays to a headset - basically, a mirror that is a section of a sphere in front of your eyes and a small rear-projection unit mounted above the eyeline reflecting into that mirror. The mirror collimates the light so all the beams appear to be coming from infinity. No lenses required, stereoscopic vision is natural rather than binocular, and you’d get a much wider field of view.

I imagine if it were possible someone would have tried it, but turning this

into a headset optical system would be very cool.

Edit: turns out Cobra Simulation prototyped this very thing in 2014.

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Man, if I had that setup, where would I go?

I’d go flying…

Congrats, excellent.

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Some day we’ll have RGB lasers that will paint motion video directly onto our retinas.
The next step will be hardwired visual cortex interfaces - the ultimate in augmented reality.

Sorry, I’m drifting off-topic.
Back to your regularly scheduled program…

My modest cockpit:


If you enjoy the CJ4, you can use a little program called CJ4 MCDU (sorry, dont have a link) and turn a simple tablet into a… well, MCDU. Its not perfect but its simple and free and for me it added a ton to immersion.

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A Brunner yoke. FEEL the plane…

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I have a similar setup to yours but mine is also used for sim racing, I have a G2 but in my opinion and with my hardware, which is getting dated at this point, 2080ti, the visual quality for VR isn’t there yet. I also like to be comfortable when flying the sim, having some beers etc. My focus is on hardware that will work across many different aircraft types. My next purchase is a 4th monitor that I can use some panels on with air manager. For me, building the setup is also part of the fun.


I would ad a few buttkickers and use SimHaptic and FS Realistic to start. Also Better controllers like yoke and throttle. Plastic to me sucks so I go for the metal.

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Thanks, I already have the FMC on a touch-panel and it really does add a ton of realism.

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Second the post above, add a butt kicker. I forgot to say I have one and it adds to the immersion. I built my own though, it works out cheaper and is easy to do.

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Never heard of Brunner before, that would be a lovely add-on but wow what a price!

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I forgot to mention it in the OP, but I do have a Butt-Kicker on my seat and it does work very well too. Not much more than a gentle hum on the CJ4 when engines are running but on the Spitfire it’s a wonderful add-on!

Yes it is for me too, I might look into making some real button panels maybe, the knobster and a touch-panel is great but still not the same as a real, physical button

…I‘m afraid there is nowhere else to go from here:


Oh boy, that’s serious gear!!!

Thinking more on building some panels for the CJ4, I was looking at the main AP panel, it gets used a fair bit and doesn’t seem too complex. From what I can see it has 6 rotary encoders, 5 of which have push buttons built in, plus 15 push buttons.

Is there a forum section specifically for panel builders? Naturally I have a pile of questions re hardware etc, I’m no beginner with electronics etc, I also have a decent 3D printer and can use Fusion360 CAD to a mild extent.

I’m not seeing a VR headset, so there’s there to go :slight_smile:

Would something like this suit your needs?

I love it.
It connects with your PC via USB.
All you need to do is program it in FS2020.
Axis & Ohs, etc is not required.

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Thanks, but as i mentioned in the OP, I have tried two VR sets and neither could bring the clarity i wanted to teh cockpit displays, the overall VR experience was good though but I also missed the real-world knobs and buttons.

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It’s a nice box, thanks. I did have the Axair MIAP box which is very similar but still not one knob for one function, I think that would be a goal of mine.