NEW Nvidia Drivers: GeForce WHQL 516.94 - Nvidia has issued a security warning for it's GPU drivers on 4/8/2022)

Did you enable it in the Geforce experience app and in the nvidia control panel?

You also need to reboot the pc after that. Then in game make sure your render setting is at 100 and then select the new resolution (dependent on your monitor resolution and the % you chose) from the ingame menu too?

It’s not likely to improve any visual problems you might be having. Essentially it is just rendering the game at a lower resolution than your monitors native res and then upscaling it after. The main benefit should be performance.
It’s like the ingame render setting but done in a different way.
I can’t say which method is better but for me the new Nvidia way seems to work well, I’m getting better performance with no noticeable visual degredation.