Next Pilot Position action causes SIM to freeze (PC & Xbox)

Have you tried the workaround posted by AlpineB4652 earlier;

“This bug is caused by activating the ‘next pilot position’ command from the DEFAULT cockpit view - ie if you where aiming to move the view into the upper position for a better outside view.

Fix: unmap ‘next pilot position’ from your peripheral and replace with ‘upper pilot position’ or some other way of changing the view.

Note : this can effect PC users too (like me), perhaps if they also have a controller connected, although I was getting it on any peripheral and whenever I triggered npp command from default.”


The posts below aren´t merged from another topic anymore.

Thank you.

People, since these two post now are merged and in “Bugs and issues”, dont forget to vote!
Also, thank you, Marc! :pray:


Am I pleased to wake up this AM and see this thread. Yesterday and evening, I thought I was the only one of us to experience this.


can we either remove XBOX from the title or add PC as well ?

PC too has the same bug.

I’ve added the #pc tag, to clarify the bug is present on both platforms. Thanks for the heads up!


I think if someone opens a new bug ticket /report with a title like ‘Next Pilot Position action causes SIM to freeze (PC & Xbox)’

I would do it but I’m on travelling and on my phone.

Then can then merge the threads.

I’ve just responded to another thread on the same issue. It’s clearly effecting a significant user base.

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Could someone please enlighten me here.

Let’s start with the basics:

“Next Pilot View” (unmapped on PC, LB+dpad-up on Xbox) and “Previous Pilot View” (unmapped on PC, LB+dpad-down on Xbox) cycle between:

• “Toggle IFR Cockpit Mode” (F9 on PC, unmapped on Xbox)
• “Toggle VFR Cockpit Mode” (F10 on PC, unmapped on Xbox)
• “Toggle Landing Cockpit Mode” (F11 on PC, unmapped on Xbox).


If I load the PC version, enter the cockpit and:

• Press F10, it acts like a momentary switch where the view pops up into “Landing Cockpit Mode” and pops back down into “VFR Cockpit Mode” when I let go of the key. This is obviously broken in two ways — momentary and toggling to wrong view

• Press F11, nothing happens

• Press F9, I zoom into “IFR Cockpit Mode” — works as expected

With all that out of the way, what exactly are people mapping to in lieu of “Next Pilot View” to workaround the bug? If I map my POV “hat” up to “Toggle Landing Cockpit Mode” and press POV-up, nothing happens, as is the case with F11 on the keyboard.

Can someone enlighten me as to what will actually work here to get an up-and-over the dashboard view for the time being? Because the proposed solution doesn’t work both because there is no “upper pilot position” and, what I believe is being referenced, “Toggle Landing Cockpit Mode” is bugged and doesn’t function.


When I cleared the binding for both next pilot view and previous pilot view it free’d up my pilot look up and pilot look down assignments for the first time. Previously they (up/down) would just snap to the next/previous position and then snap back. I’ve been using just the keyboard arrow key up & down to raise and lower the pilots head as if you’re “neck stretching” to see up over the panel.

‘Upper cockpit view’
‘Reset cockpit view’
‘slew/translate cockpit camera’ (the arrow keys)

A custom view based on a slew position.

In cockpit camera views you will find a ‘lower’ or default cockpit view and an ‘upper cockpit view’.

When you use Next pilot position action when in the default cockpit view it is moving the camera to the ‘upper cockpit view’

So if you want that view that’s what you have to map. It’s only a partial work around as you do then lose the ability to use the next pilot position action to cycle through other views which won’t cause the SIM to freeze…but a small price to pay.

As I have a Saitek yoke I have upper and lower views mapped to the A1 and A2 buttons.

I’ve also set up and saved a number of custom views and used the 4&5 buttons on my mouse to load and cycle through these. It’s actually a better workflow for IRF and airliners and I use trackIR for GA anyway.

Finally remember when you are in ‘instrument’ view you are NOT in cockpit view - it is a different view mode just like External and Showcase. The next pilot position action has no effect in this view mode or any other outside the cockpit view. When you use your hat switch in instrument view you are triggering the ‘next/previous instrument view action’

I suggest this excellent (if now a bit dated) tutorial: HOW TO GUIDE | MSFS | Cameras & Views - YouTube


This freeze just happened to me. Unreal. I’ll have to do the workaround.

There are also actions available for “increase cockpit view height” and “decrease cockpit view height”. They are a pretty good replacement for “next pilot position” and “previous pilot position”.

What a terrible bug. It took me two days before I realized the lockups were happening exactly when I changed the pilot position with the hat switch. It felt random to me at first.


Same issue here. I hope they will fix this asap.

And I thought I would be the only one

guys not sure why you are talking about Next Pilot Position.
I am getting these freezes when I am doing the following, mostly happening at airports such as LSZH (Asobo’s handcrafted).

From cockpit view → go to camera settings → Showcase → Fixed camera, and then when rotating these fixed cameras using “A” or “Shift + A” that’s when the freeze happens.

Is this what you mean by Next Pilot Position?

No. The bug described here is not scenery related - it will happen anywhere - but only occurs in cockpit view when the Next Pilot Position cockpit camera action is trigger from the default cockpit or freelook view.

Your bug sounds like it has the same effect but a different cause.

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when i hold the right mouse click to look around it does not allow me to use rudder, ailerons, or elevator pitch control on my yoke and pedals. when switching it to Toggle Cockpit Freelook, it resets my zoom back to default everytime i press the button so it is impossible to zoom into a certain dial or nob and stay zoomed into it? any solutions?

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Thank you everyone for discovering this bug, it spared me some frustration finding the cause.

I can confirm the bug is 100% reproducible when using ‘Next Pilot Position’ function together with ‘Freelook’ mode. Sim hard freezes every time.


The Landing View can still be toggled using Toolbar Camera, but it’s obviously a nuisance when you want to switch between different cockpit views during flight.

Edit: using Freelook Mode resets the view back to ‘pilot position’ though.

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