No AI Traffic Visible

I didn’t actually launch, only opened a flight and had a scout around the ramps. The weather has been horrendous again so my broadband connection was somewhat erratic, not good for connectivity. I have been expanding my hangar a bit so my primary activity was to create control profiles for the Bonanza and JF Hawk.

I’ll post back when I am confident that I can fly uninterrupted :pray:

I launched out of Venice just minutes ago, and it took about 10 minutes for Live Traffic to populate the airport. By that time, I was at least a dozen miles or more offshore. I could check using Little Nav Map or other EFBs to see how AI was populating the ramp/gates. So you may want to wait at the ramp for a bit for LT to inject/catch up.

Caveat - it should load a lot faster if you’re using Real Time. I cranked back the clock a couple of hours so my passage would be in daylight, so that may factor into my delay.

The weather stabilised a bit last night so was happy to give it a try. I opened up at Liverpool (real time, live weather) in the DA62 and waited, engines running for 15 minutes. There should have been one Ryanair flight on the ground and one inbound. There was nothing bigger than my aircraft on the ramp. So, I departed to RAF Vally. I stayed tuned to Liverpool Tower and did here the inbound Ryanair flight being given clearance, so maybe there’s a time warp somewhere. Nothing seen enroute but, to be fair, I wouldn’t expect to see a great deal in that route area at 20.00Z and 4,000ft, on a Tuesday evening.

Having flown out of Liverpool on many occasions I know that there are always Ezyjet aircraft on the ramp. It is an Ezyjet hub so they are there even during the quiet times, but I guess, if they are inactive they aren’t visible to the traffic monitors.

I might try later with FlightRadar24 running on a separate monitor, just out of interest.

On the positive side, with your guidance I have made significant progress in an area that I am only just beginning to explore (bush trips and operating from random fields, beaches, glaciers etc has been my playground), so many thanks for sticking with me AJ.

I suggest sitting in the ramp at Manchester instead. There is always a lot more traffic there so you should get a better insight into whether live traffic is matching what you see on flightradar. I can confirm that flightradar is pretty accurate at showing real world EGCC traffic.

Just a note - FlightAware is the official provider of Live Traffic in the sim. You should compare against them primarily to see traffic levels.

If FlightAware is known to be showing all traffic, comparing with it might be worthwhile, but for testing, it is far, far better to compare to an independent, known reliable, source.

I would generally choose Flightradar over Flightaware because I prefer the UI, but that’s just personal preference. I’ve not noticed a difference in the traffic they show.

If there are disparities betwrrn in-sim and IRL, the next step would be to compare the in-sim results with FlightAware

I don’t know how valuable it is to compare to FR24 or any other site. They’re not the ones feeding the sim with injected data. So what they have is what likely will appear in the sim, understanding that the sim, for performance reasons, will only show aircraft within a roughly 70 to 80 NM diameter around the player’s aircraft. Anything outside of that is despawned/destroyed, and revived only if their PIM (path of intended movement) intersects the player’s “bubble” later on. This has been the case for a few SU versions now.

70-80NM btw, is about 20 AI aircraft typically. That’s actually quite busy.

Sorry folks, I’m having broadband issues again as a result of the weather. I am beginning to think that my antenna may have been moved by these winds, but I’m not going up on the roof in this weather to find out.

Firstly, in response to beezzez, I had already decided that EGCC would be a better indicator of what was going on, in fact as I set a heading for EGOV out of John Lennon I realised that I should have been heading from EGGP to EGCC. However, hand flying and navigating to Valley in the dark is easier whilst finding Manchester not quite so :wink:.

Yesterday, I started out at Manchester in daylight. I checked all of the connections, Live Traffic, Live Weather (it was quite benign yesterday) and Current Time all good. Checked on Live Airport Activity - a blank sheet! No activity listed. Transferred to Liverpool and the same result. Returned to controls profile settings for the Bonanza.

My reasoning behind the FlightRadar24 choice was precisely that articulated by beezzez. I have used it before so I am familiar with the UI, I have never used FlightAware before. However, exactly as pointed out, if there were discrepancies between FR24 and the sim I could then compare FR24 data with FlightAware data, which is of course, the baseline for the sim. Double whammy?

I don’t think that it is going to be worth trying anything more today - gale force winds again.

I just couldn’t resist :roll_eyes:

Currently grinning like a Cheshire cat :grinning:

Take a look at the windsock


Seems like you got it working?

Too modest mate - I think it was you that got it working, I just went in the direction you pointed. In less than five minutes there were 2 arrivals and 3 departures :clap:

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I return to the topic because I wanted to ask if anyone has solved the problem and if there is any news about it in the new su13 beta. As far as I’m concerned, the situation on my sim is disastrous. I use psxt+realtraffic (but the problem is also present with AIG Traffic, FSLTL… basically any program that manages AI traffic has the problem) and the ground lights have become pure luck, when they work correctly, when not, but most part of the time they go incorrectly and it’s really frustrating for the flying experience. I wrote to the author of psxt and he told me several times that it is a problem related to the simconnect and that he can only solve asobo. The thing that makes me angry is that until a few months ago (maybe weeks) everything was fine, I tried removing all the addons, but it didn’t work, it seems that something in the sim is self-damaging, but ■■■■, it’s possible that asobo doesn’t do you listen to these complaints and fail for how long to try to solve the problem?