No way to File IFR Flight Plan with Clearance at Uncontrolled Airport

Ok that’s pretty cool, I didn’t realize 2020 had that function since I mostly use beyondatc and before that mostly used IFR for airliners but great to learn something new. Now I’m double-voting this issue as our friend hasn’t been able to file his IFR flights and we lost a function that the sim previously had which I don’t like at all. This sim is supposed to build on an already existing base not take out of it.


Its the nature of testing :sweat_smile:

This is another bug. If you want to file IFR plan with ATC you need to do it on the World Map page, it won’t work when you are in the plane.

Doesn’t work for me. If I file the IFR FP on World Map I can’t get IFR clearance. Maybe I do not take some necessary steps before file a FP?
Pretty the same as idiotic pop up near a plane.

On a controlled airport?

Yes! When I turn Clearance I hear other planes request and get permissions (Live Traffic). But I have Straight out and South, North departure requests only.

What do you mean by World Map page? Is it the first ever page or Free Flight page?

Yes. The page where you select plane and airports. Create IFR flight plan there, before you hit Start Flight button. I did it a few times in FS2024 and it worked but now the game gets stuck when loading a flight so I can’t fly at all.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• it is highly possible this issue is due to a different bug which has been outlined in this thread:

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

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Confirmed too. My flightplan workaround works at an uncontrolled airport.

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Again, thank you for looking at this.


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Thank you for the bug report.

We have created an internal ticket to see if our team already has this logged, and if not they will attempt to reproduce the issue and create a new bug report. This item is now marked as feedback-logged. If there is an existing bug report or one is created, we will move this thread to bug-logged


Hell! You have “Request IFR Clearance” at least. I can’t get this at controlled airport! :upside_down_face:

After you create an IFR flight plan do you need to “File it to ATC”?

Yes, click this and your flight plan will appear on the map. After this start flight and don’t do anything else. If you change starting point like different parking spot the flight plan will be deleted.

“If you change starting point like different parking spot the flight plan will be deleted.”

Ahhh Now I see the reason.

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I am still unsure what I am seeing here.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• I ensured that I had a parking spot pre-selected before generating a flight plan via the World Map EFB. I did the usual of filing the plan with ATC and pushing the plan to avionics. I can see the flight plan is still loaded the in-cockpit EFB, however there is no flight plan in the avionics and no option to contact ATC to file clearance for IFR.

It would seem the sim is aware of the flight plan in some capacity, because when I pause and switch to Free Cam I can see this flight pathing in the environment.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

I’m adding more detail here:

I did the above steps, but this time when the avionics were not pre-populated with the flight plan, I programmed it into the avionics by hand.

I still have no option to file IFR with ATC:

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• yes

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• can not get any tower or clearance to file or open a flight plan with. I have almost 6000 hours on FS2020. and logged over 100 hours on fs2024. I am not a newbie by far. but this is absolutely rediculous. I fly on the pc cause I cannot legally get my medical back due to medication issues, atleast not right now. Also Green Bay tower is represented by being called Minneapolis. Cannot get tower or clearance to offer IFR chances. Any ground or such does NOT give options like in FS2020. I cannot get fuel. so running on default I run out of fuel unless I make an emergency landing. I am going back to FS2020 until I see some serious changes.

This was the biggest mistake I have made with purchasing online. This sux!!!

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Also, I have saved from MS flight planner, and loaded into the flight computer. I have reset, tried, reset again, and tried again. Even went as far as totally removing the game, clearing out any resulting cache, and readding again (twice). I am a very avid fan of the FS experience. But totally disgusted with 2024, and I waited SOOOO long for its release. totally disappointed!

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