I have to add, the stupid light switches that aren’t realistic:
RECOG that has been assigned to nav lights;
ANTI-COLLISION that should be strobes, but has been assigned to the beacon, whereas the beacon and nav lights should normally be automatic (I know you can set them on the GTCs but normally they’re automatic: Beacons turn on with the APU, and Nav lights turn on with either battery switches) (someone correct me if I’m wrong);
PULSE that should actually be pulse (alternate flashes from either landing light), but has been assigned to the strobes;
Strobes on the wingtips which aren’t realistic, and the white and red beacon/strobes that should flash only red until strobes are switched on.
I believe these are very simple things, and if they were paying attention to whatever actual Longitude they examined, they would have seen these differences to conventional aircraft, especially since this is a premium aircraft, but they couldn’t care less. So annoying.
This is not a hardcore study-level addon, but a default plane - pitched at the average gamer who doesn’t care about the differences between pulse and strobe lights.
I invite you to create a study level Longitude - I’d be the first one to buy it.
Good job! Now I can fly my Longitude normally.
However, I do find one thing, when final approach, LOC can be cached without any issue, but the aitcraft won’t fly with it. GS works fine. Do you have any idea why it happens?
I don’t have anything to do with avionics with this modification. That’s either an issue with the default avionics, the WT G3000 build (if that’s what you’re using), or a problem with the specific approach you’re shooting. Maybe another forum commenter can suggest an answer / solution
It’s a PREMIUM plane and we paid extra for premium, and they advertised it like hell, talking about how they worked together with Textron Aviation (Cessna) on this plane. You probably didn’t watch the video, but I did, and this is the exact opposite of what they claimed.
For a plane they claimed to have worked with the actual manufacturers for, it’s either Cessna deceived them and gave them fake info, or they were in too much of a hurry to push the darned thing out, they just didn’t look at the info they got. And option #2 is the most likely option.
It’s funny hearing you say this whereas your opinion is somewhat hypocritically different on the Hondajet.
I follow this pretty closely with the following changes, unsure what is actual SOP:
Unless there is a restriction on the SID, I set my initial speed just below 250 knots.
Since I’ve heard anecdotally that anything greater than 2500 VS is going to be uncomfortable, I use the combination of VS and AT hold for climb. Again, starting at 250knots, once I reach 10,000, switch to 270knots.
Around 30,000 (once I see the speed drop to 273kts), the aircraft won’t be able to hold that speed and VS, at which point I switch to FLC.
I switch over to mach at 0.80 vs 0.78.
I cruise just below mach 0.82 to avoid overspeeds from random weather, although still sometimes happens.
Doesn’t make a difference much either way, and again, not sure what standard SOP is. My current flight I reached FL430 just under 21 minutes.
General Options / Sound / Set “Warnings” to zero. I hate doing that, but until we figure out how to change the value it wants (does anyone know how to do that?) then it’s all I know how to do.
H Dakfly, My C700 is now buggy after SU6 with Dakfly’s mod + WT G3K. Fist bugs I’ve experienced, ever. Warnings and pings everywhere, and ITT warning on FLC. I’m guessing it’s the WT mod not compatible with SU6.