Official Discussion: January 20th, 2022 Development Update

I hope it’s both.

Boy, Sim Update 8 is going to be the Mother of all Updates, isn’t it? The update to end all updates.

With all the stuff they said would be fixed in this update over the last few weeks, my expectations are off the charts.

Good luck Asobo. I hope you can pull this one off.


I was referring to the known issues page. Still no mention of broken Achievements despite literally hundreds of posts across a dozen threads describing in great detail how to replicate the errors.

Achievement bug fix: If not now (SU8), when?

Asobo just plans to leave that portion of the software broken indefinitely? Starting to think it will never get done. It’s maddening.

Let’s hope not! I’d like to see SU9, 10, 11 etc. :rofl:


Be patient.

Nothing to worry about it’s a game!

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I hope they roll it out following the open beta strategy. If there are major issues, people can exit the beta and continue as before, and the team can fix them. No dramas!

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Wow, loving the new snippets of info on wish list etc and the community triage section of the blog! I echo @Crunchmeister71 ’s sentiments @Jummivana, please pass on our appreciation for this!

This is turning into a good week, what with PMDG saying they’ve made progress and a Q&A around the corner, I’m looking forward to an exciting year of flight sim!

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I’d say it’s most likely to be brown field thermals and maybe wind compression.

Real star navigation in game? Seriously?
I see there bunch of external app, putting aside it’s everything but not “in-game” I wait for celestial navigation for xbox.

A game that continually breaks VR (almost) every update, plenty to worry about.


Worry is a bit dramatic😅

But I do get your frustration!

Totally agree. Weekly scanning the development update never made me more excited than this announcement. Can’t wait for next SU.


Any eta on the marketplace update

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I reckon about 4pm UK time ( 8 am Seattle).


OK thanks for that i hope so

what airport tomorrow?
thought that they postponed to next week the next WU

I know. There’s been very little that’s ever gotten me excited about these updates, to be honest. Sometimes it’s good info. Other times it’s a lot of works that provide very little concrete info. Between the new format of the wish list and the announcement that this bug is fixed, this is my favourite update so far.

And best of all, SU8 is scheduled for release just a couple of days before my birthday. If they really did pull this off, this is going to be the best present I’ll be receiving.

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They haven’t postponed the marketplace update have they?

It’s coming at some point today (Friday the 21st)

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The one that stands out to me is the “Open up weather system to 3rd party Developers” = Not Planned

Please can we have an Honest answer as to why “Not Planned”

  • Technically too difficult

  • Licensing issues with MeteoBlue

  • MS want to keep Weather and any associated addons for its own DRM use & sales.

  • Other reason

In any case, isn’t the stable door already open, and some of the horses already out ?

ie Rex Weather, Unreal Weather

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