Official Discussion: November 3, 2022 Development Update

This really is a terrific video and explanation. The effort and care that has been given to this project is immense, and the result is mind blowing.
I am very curious as to read here what IRL helicopter pilots will think about the modeling and handling.


Video looks awesome. I know zero about helicopters, but this looks like it will be fun to try out.

I really am not bothered about gliders or helicopters and will never use them. Will there be a way to skip these in the download or will I have to waste time downloading them and then deleting them from the content manager?

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Nothing like a bit of an inspirational motivation speech for all that work put in!

Am sure a day or so after the download that small segment of time won’t be too much missed, and there’s always a small chance you’ll explore the new stuff in the future.

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It’s a waste of money! The A320 cockpit is even darker than the stock one. The color is not grey… is something like we are inside a cave. Horrible! Just one flight with A320 neo, and delete it.

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I would expect there to be a patch to the main game, and the helicopters/planes/gliders/airports to be optional content in the marketplace. Not long before we find out.

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Ow man… sometimes the negativity… It really is a disease.
To answer the question: these downloads are as always completely optional.


Very impressed with the work that went into sounds on the helicopter feature discovery.

What is everyone planning on using for helicopter controls? How are you going to re-purpose what you already have?

I have a Thrustmaster T.16000M HOTAS and set of pedals, so I guess I’ll use the throttle for the collective. Is that what most people will be doing? I’m guessing no-one really wants to use a yoke.


“Study level”

I have a Saitek X-52 with quite a few Axis controls.
I’ll probably map one of the Axis to Throttle and then map the actual throttle control on the X-52 to the Collective.

Context? Do you just not like the term per se in this SIM or is there a perceived issue with the A310?

Amazing work by Sebastion and the team


Here’s hoping they show a similar super feature functionality for Gliders and Towplanes. :slightly_smiling_face:

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From last week: Feature Discovery Series Episode 14: Gliders - YouTube

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This term has started so many “spirited” discussions. I was surprised that Asobo used the phrase.

I am also looking forward to it if it is true. For example, compare the default A320 to the FBW. Compare King air to… well… just dont. Everything is INOP.

Amazing stuff!

But no tow plane information - as they have added some flight model cfg data for it.

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I cant wait!!! so cool!! I love that they said there will be helicopter training!!! I need training on landing lol… I either hit the ground hard BAM! or I scoot along the ground like a leave flying in the wind… Oh, did I mention I fly backwards a lot when I want to go forward? lol

Love these comparison shots - now if standard grass terrain colour/texture could be improved (surely somewhat easier than everything else already achieved :smiley: ) then I wouldn’t be able to tell which is real!

Feature Discovery Series Episode 15: Helicopters

Subtitles are not available on the video. Please make it available.
