One setting that worked magic for me

I figured I would share this because despite seeing many complaints over the past year regarding non-performance-related graphical issues, it is one thing I have not seen discussed on this forum. This was so easy and so overlooked but wound up helping me greatly. I found a solution to many of my overall graphical ugliness problems regardless of high settings. Things like aliasing, jagged edges in the distance, pixelated/grainy trees in the sun, dancing coastlines, volcanic ash clouds, etc. For me, it wound up being nothing more than turning Antialiasing Gamma Correction to ‘Off’ in NVIDIA Control Panel. That one setting made the entire sim look better. It was on by default and for this sim I decided not to sit and tweak NVIDIA options. This is the only NVIDIA Control Panel option I touched aside from ‘Prefer Maximum Performance’ for the power option. Leaving everything else to be controlled by the sim or the global setting, turning this off made a very noticeable difference when it came to distant aliasing, better looking clouds, terrain, and tree textures. It no longer looks over sharpened too.


looks interesting
even my graphics are quite nice for now
i will give a try

Definitely going to try this and report back.

Will test it too. Thanks for the tip

Good discovery KSIElevenBravo . Not sure how many people know about this but it definitely makes a noticeable difference for me. Things look smother and the image has softer, nicer feel to it. Clouds definitely look better.

Giving it a try now, graphics seem good (to me, but I don’t know what I don’t know) however I do notice the volcanic ash clouds.

Let’s see what this does for me!

Thanks for the suggestion!

will try this, hope my graphics become better

might give this a try too!

Giving this a try too.

After doing tweaks from the beginning when I bought msfs2020, I went back to the basic with that one setting TS started in this topic. This is working for me
awesome !!! Thanks a thousand times KSIElevenBravo


I’ll give this a try. Thank you!

Gave it a try, and it did reduce the volcanic ash looking clouds a bit, it did have some other adverse affects like blowing other “whites” out. And making clouds look fuzzy/pixelated.

I switched it back but glad it is working for others!

Thanks, great info. This works for me.

Any comparison shots? Not seeing any difference.

Since it is antialiasing gamma correction it really only effects the scene when its in motion, so a screenshot may not be relevant. The main thing I was attempting to correct when finding this was the aliasing I’d see in the distance on islands or coastline boundaries that are against water. It also wound up fixing a lot of the shimmering I’d see on sunny trees, reflections, some cloud graininess, over sharpening of the overall scene, those weird electric lines that appear on the distant horizon when there are clouds, and just overall made the moving image smoother. Even the aircraft on exterior view looked better. Again, this is all when the scene was in motion so a screenshot wouldn’t do it justice. I feel the setting is on in Nvidia control panel by default, but is probably used for older titles and is not needed for MSFS and just screws things up. I’m sure FS has its own AA filters working behind the scenes.

There isn’t much info online for this setting, but it seems to change the gamma and color of pixels that are popping in and out of view while AA is working. This does more harm than good in FS because it is making aliasing more apparent and appears to be aliasing things that otherwise wouldn’t be aliased. The trees looking fuzzy and sparkly is the gamma correction trying to correct the color for those pixels when its not needed, so you’re just getting bright pixels in random places when moving and it gives the appearance of even more jaggies. Where AA is taking place in the distance on coastlines ,etc. it is highlighting that and actually intensifying the jagged edges by brightening them and making them pop in and out of the scene. FS has its own gamma correction that is conflicting with the Nvidia one being turned on.


Good catch, improves image quality for me and, although I’ve only tried 1 flight, I think it might have helped the glitchy pixels when panning with Nvidia drivers later than 466.77.

Will test more after work!

i thought 472.12 fixed it but apparently it was just the craft i was using (uh60). it came back in other craft. only seen when panning fast. still bugged.

A video comparison then? I’m not seeing any noticeable difference.