OpenXR NIS upscaling software - Release thread

Amazing! You’re doing Asobo’s job here, enhancing the VR implementation even more than what I’d have thought possible…

Since you mentioned a new FPS counter and performance overlay: Can it show ASW/motion reprojection status as well? The sim unfortunately tends to turn it on by itself even when disabled in the Oculus Tray/Debug Tool, so being able to see at a glance if it’s on or off would be very helpful.

Right now I have to switch between Oculus performance debug overlay and ASW stats overlay. A single, unobtrusive performance overlay with FPS, perf. info and ASW status would be so much better.

Ultimately, if your toolkit could actually override ASW and keep it off if so configured, that would be the perfect solution. May be too Oculus specific, but since Quest 2 is the most popular VR headset, I’m sure it would be helpful to many, so I wanted to bring that up for your consideration.