OpenXR Tools for Windows Mixed Reality update in the store (4/14)

Hi all

I just found “something” interesting about artifacts. I use 45fps MR locked with a 4090…and a not adecuate cpu, just a 8700k oc to 5ghz (waiting for a 7800x3d)

My finding is that if the app cpu meter (overlay via toolkit) indicates a latency lower than 9,2ms…the motion reproyection is almost perfect.

But as soon the app cpu shows higher than 9,2…then instantly much more artifacts and wobbling inside the cockpit appear.

It doesnt matter what app gpu meter indicates (always being lower than 21ms to be in 45fps target area)

I discovered it because when flying, once I got a high altitude, suddenly the reproyection inside the cockpit was perfect, but once I went down to lower altitude…it became bad again…then I flew up again, and perfect reproyection. Cheked with toolkit and the only change was the app cpu ms.

With my old cpu 8700k, I only can achieve under 9.2ms if I down drastically the Terrain LOD to 30…or if Im flying very high.

Could it be that the cpu, when is in reproyection mode, must handle it like working at 90FPS with ghost frames?? that would be the answer for having to be less than 9,2ms??