P-51A Mrs. Virginia prop blur present while engine is off

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All Reno p-51s suffer engine failure before you can take off

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Approaching a year with this known problem. Also understood that third-party dev that collaborated on artwork (but not model) reached out to Asobo multiple times about this without response.


this problem has been fixed once as it was present at it launch , then they ruined the aircraft again.i think they consider the reno pack the disappoint that it is and asobosoft are more interested in msfs 2024 than sort this easy problem out

Yea, that’s pretty much my thought as well.

On the other hand, I consider most of those aircraft junk so even if it was fixed, I doubt I’d fly it… The flight model is poor, 90% of the stuff is INOP, the model is a P51A which is dramatically dif from the D, but it’s still has an identical. It’s just poo.

They can consider it that all they want, I still spent money on these aircraft and enjoy them. Well, I did. The prop blur and the A and the inability to fly the D have changed my mind. Waste of my money. I remember having the flawed logic when I first bought the D that it’d be safer to buy than third-party aircraft because if it did break, Microsoft wouldn’t let it sit broken for months. Oof.

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Now’s their chance with SU15 to fix this issue with the P-51A that’s over a year old!


Looks like they updated the engine issues in the other mustangs but still missed this. I will try to notify them during today’s twitch stream, but is there another way to escalate?

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Really a shame that this visual prop bug exists, because this P-51 has a great looking cockpit overall and the bug really takes away from the experience.

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