Page file size windows 10

agree… as long there is no issue, the default “System managed” is usually the best one.

this rule not exist… since ages no longer. Nobody with 32GIG RAM must set 32x1.5=48GIG pagefile and I with 64GIG RAM must not set 96GIG pagefile. I not know why allways these wrong number comes on top… these rule is a 20 years old recommendation as our RAM was measured in MegaByte and not GigaByte.

We mention in lots of posts the rules how SystemManaged works. What and why SystemManaged choose which Minimum Value ( depends on RAM, RAM/8, disc size, kernel image mode,… ) and how the Maximum Value depens on your configuration ( mainly free disc space ). Example: Finally.....Solved CTD issues... for those of us with < 32 GB ram - #41 by MichaMMA
If one of the points for auto-adjust not met , then a manual setting might be usefull. As example the users run very very often out of free disc space ( or so low, that windows not increase the pagefile ). Otherwise setting should not necessary or you know what you do → as example: I have a min/max of 1Gig as pagefile with 64GIG RAM, jsut because I know that more than that is not necessary in my case.

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