Yeah I am still stuck at 67% too
It would be nice to have better transparency on the grading scheme for all types of missions, but trying to get the sky crane unlocked is killing me. Every other mission type is pretty basic to S tier.
Yeah I am still stuck at 67% too
It would be nice to have better transparency on the grading scheme for all types of missions, but trying to get the sky crane unlocked is killing me. Every other mission type is pretty basic to S tier.
omg … I thought I was close… Wauw … crazy
Minimap zoom is definitely a major key, but I am clearly suffering from a skill issue. I feel like I am hitting bullseyes and have gotten the same 100% cargo integrity
The update was successful, but the construction quest disappeared from the map, and it was originally on the West Coast
That’s weird, mine was still there and I was able to complete it.
My mission has disappeared also… But then again, a lot of missions disappear and then days later will reappear. A fresh install doesn’t seem to fix either
It’s already obvious that this has been fixed with the latest patch. I have a different problem now. Absolute uncontrollability of the next helicopter. The start mission on the S-64F Aircrane with the installation of the electric support is simply impossible. The helicopter does not listen, it flies from side to side and from top to bottom as in a hurricane. And if you can pick up the support just by sitting on it, I have never been able to install it, and I have made many attempts
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Yeah its super hard and unstable, took me like an hour of non stop adjustments and re alignments.
Transporting the tower to the base, it will automatically attach to the base, at this time the tower is not an entity, the helicopter can even penetrate the tower, control the helicopter to hover above the base, and wait for the completion prompt.
The S-64F was too nimble, and the tail rotor could not maintain one direction while hovering. If you have the Premium Deluxe Edition, you can use the CH47 for new missions after completing this mission, although the CH47 also has problems, but it is more controllable than the S-64F in this mission.
Has there been any solution to disappeared construction mission issue? I also lost this mission immediately after completing the requirements.
Since the career mode is so broken, searching for animals in the World Photographer mode is the best substitute for broken SAR missions. By the way, camels just love helicopters!
I followed the player’s method to get a night license and unlocked Aerial Construction
Today I did the unlock mission and it was a lot more stable and controllable (S-64). With the EFB hover target area, I was able to complete the mission with the “S” rating - so I thought the helicopter and mission were “fixed”. I do recall that both the CH-47 and S-67 were “uncontollable” and unsuited for the in game operations when I tried them in the tutorial missions, so I never returned to them until today.
Considering the double punch to the gut I got today after revisiting and thinking Hoist missions became playable and unlocking them, I don’t doubt it may still be broken for some.
Update 30 min later:
Okay, I get a left uppercut and a FULL right power punch to the face. I can see that the S-67 handles beutifully now, and it has the smoothest and most precise trim controls of any addon I’ve used in either 2020 or 2024.
However, TREETOP abrupt “ground effect” make it impossible to operate within the game design. At least I know I can enjoy the S-67 in Free flight now. Because dang, it’s really good. IMO
Enter target pickup area:
No go due to treetop abrupt “ground effect”
Yes. They worked on it. i also managed to fulfill the launch mission
They fixed the cargo precision and fked up the cargo integrity…
I did everything by the books, slowly picking up the cargo, and slowly dropping it down! I cant get it
go to Oil Platform, this worked for me
Ho pilots. I enjoy a lot of fun with helicopters. And i want ask you about camera. I have head tracking device or VR and i poay only from cocpit but additional mirrors doesnt work for me. I have powerful pc everything is on ultra but in mirrors i cant see anything. Andwithout this its really difficuíty make perfect approach and possitioning to the middle of aiming circle. It is bug or do you have same problem?