Physics and Aerodynamic on Directional Stability - Part 2 - Getting to the Root of the Problem

First of all, AWESOME analysis! I think you are definitely onto something here. Would love to see Asobo address this in the upcoming Q&A’s or even on the forum directly.

Being a physics guy, this stuff is interesting to me but I’ll admit that I don’t completely get all of the gory details.

Having said that, the same physics guy in me sees a possible bit of inaccuracy in your description/interpretation. Just in the units of the values you are highlighting. You say they are radians but it looks like it’s actually 1/radians. (that’s what the -1 superscript is supposed to mean after the rad label). Units of 1/radians are plain weird, I know.

Your point is still valid and a very good one at that! I am just being a bit pedantic in my reading of your post. Please don’t take offense!