Ideally you’ll need to target-weld the window vertices to the fuselage vertices but you have a mis-match between the window objects and the fuselage object. That is, the windows have very many more vertices so after welding you’d have multiple isolated ones, and you won’t want these.
You’d probably be best to cut the window object down by removing the excess faces and then weld them. It’ll look ugly but then at least you can work on the smoothing afterwards.
I don’t think it’ll work with your current vertex count.
Thanks, I have pretty much removed all the excess vertices to the window now, the hardest part was in best way to join the bottom front corner of the window (that is curved) into the long straight edge of the fuselage.
A little more work on the windshield tonight after work. I’m calling that done!
We now have cockpit side windows, and some mesh work to do, but getting there. I now have a workflow that seems to work so the other windows should take less time.
Slowly getting there. I really want to start adding parts like the exhausts, prop etc but this first bit is the most important. It’s amazing how long it takes! I’m probably 50hrs in so far.
Now I’ve got the forward windows modelled it’s time to move onto the door. This involves creating a simple flat plane object then adding loop cuts so I can match the fuselage.
A little more progress… I’m trying to not go crazy with the number of vertices on the corners. Hopefully this will pay off when animating it.
Thankfully the internet is full of reference images I can use to get it right.
Practice makes perfect! I never thought I’d get to this point at all with the windows. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve remade them.
Happy to share the port side complete as a first initial layout. It really is worth persevering with it if your having a go with your own aircraft.
Must be feeling braver! I even had a go at adding more detail to the dorsal aerial.
A cheeky little bit of work on the Meridian this morning before settling down to work for the day. (It does rather get in the way of flightsimming doesn’t it!)
Only one more window to add!
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Nice to follow the building journey and see how the Piper is growing bit by bit
Keep up the good work!
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Thanks - I wish I was much faster at it and made more progress each time but I do want to run before I can walk. Baby steps and learn as we go
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It’s better to take it slowly but steady, instead of doing it fast and then you discover that you need to start all over again
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Finally the windows have been completed! I thought I’d never get those done. I think I probably have a bit more mesh work to do to ensure the fuselage is as smooth as I can get it but that can wait for a while.
Just started work on adding some detail, I’m sure this is what brings a project alive! Check out some antennas and aerials
It’s missing a wing and the aerial is reversed but other than that we have ‘something’ in game!
Remember about scaling it correctly. I saw some 3rd party planes that came out a bit out of scale in the game. I do not know how and where you do that but it is something to think about.
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Thanks, I spent a lot of time prior to even modelling getting the reference images scaled 1:1 and sized correctly in Blender, so fingers crossed! Reading the SDK it states to have the units at 1 = 1mtr which I have as well. All being well it should match up. This was my biggest reason to get it into the game already to ensure it is starting to look correct even though we are miles away from any sort of correct detail.
I think my weight and balance may be a little off, what do you think?
Just get an engine in there. Weight balance solved!
Yeah, just have to take all the engine parts out of the back of the plane, assemble it and mount it to the firewall.
Hey all,
Just a quick note to say I haven’t abandoned anything, just been busy implementing spark plug fouling in the G36 Improvement Mod.
Hopefully some more progress over the next few days.
Managing to grab a few hours to work on the aircraft today
Starting to model the exhausts and cut out the spinner and remodeled that. Not sure I’m ready to tackle the propellor yet!