Please show support for africa, middle east and latin america/carribbean on future world updates

Hi there,

I am not an employee, so I do not speak for the development team. But the developers have stated before that they intend to go around the world. So, everything should be covered eventually.

Again, I do not speak for the developers, but I see two major things that may affect their world update schedule:

  1. Availability of data: Whenever they do a world update, they introduce new DEM [digital elevation model]. This data isn’t just sitting around. They have to go find it and usually work with governments in order to obtain it. I don’t think that this process is always easy. When they slot these releases, I imagine that priority will go to the countries whose data is more readily obtained while they work on getting data from other countries. I also have to assume that this data gathering process can probably take a long time.

  2. Where people fly: The team has telemetry that tells them where people fly in the sim. People obviously fly all over the world, and I have been in some remote parts and seen other players in the skies, which is great. But I can tell you that unquestionably, there is a huge concentration of fliers in places like Europe and North America.

That being said, if you don’t live in one of those places, I know that it can feel like you are left out. As someone whose family comes from a developing nation, I can understand that. Just please know that it will happen.

With that said, I want to give you two quotes from previous developer streams:

I hope that this helps!