Oh ok… thanks.
Very insightful. I hadn’t thought to check the FMS for messages or the overhead panel for lamps. It could be the pressurisation as I’m ‘defaults/autoing’ that right now, will check now I know. Thank you.
Did you have to descent to about FL270 to bring oxygen back into the equation? I seem to remember something like that from the QRH for an inflight engine relight.
Something that took me a while to figure out on the 737: When getting a Master Caution alert, and it doesn’t display the affected system next to the big orange MC-button ===>> Check the copilots display. They both represent different systems to point the crew at a system caution.
Nice to see more and more people having fun with the 737…
Just a slight correction… if you don’t mind!
The correct checklist would’ve been the ENGINE FAILURE/SHUTDOWN checklist.
The one you mentioned is for an engine stall which can be identified by loud bangs and erratic engine parameters, though I’n not sure if it’s simulated in the PMDG version.
The systems are divided into 12 categories so you have 12 different system announciator lights. 6 in front of the skipper and 6 on the FO side.
Somebody have problem with not working VNAV ?
VNAV button not green, MCDU with imported simbrief route
Thanks - you may be right on the checklist, although I considered that one, and the engine hadn’t actually stopped or shutdown. The description for the engine stall/surge/limit one seemed to fit the bill better. The thrust lever was (under AT control) c. 90% N1, but the N1 shown in the engine display (sorry, probably all the wrong terminology) was stuck at c. 20%. So this description seemed more applicable:
Specifically I took it as “engine indications are abnormal” (so N1 not matching thrust level position), plus “no response to thrust lever movement” - I could move the thrust level back and forward and nothing changed.
The fix was actually very easy - essentially retard the thrust lever, see if the engine indications stabilise and then slowly advance the throttle, checking RPM and EGT follow the thurst lever movement.
Check to be sure you have valid speeds and altitudes for each leg of your planned route, and that there are no discontinuities.
Fortunately it was more straightforward - essentially stablise the engine by pulling the thrust level to idle and then slowly advancing to make sure the engine responded. The engine hadn’t actually failed.
It was highly satisfying seeing the problem, finding the checklist, following it through and recovering the engine - even though it was quite simple to fix.
I will start playing with the malfunction system soon let’s see if I can replicate something similar!
The good thing that you found a checklist and it actually solved the issue!
Now that is something I wasn’t aware of. Thank you. I will go check over there.
I had no idea about that either!
Has anyone tried this yet with specs lower than the recommended?
What are you talking about? What “equipment?” If you are referring to the new thrust rating or extended oxygen for passengers, you really are barking up the wrong tree. I don’t see something so silly being implimented. You can fly this PMDG just fine at high-altitude airports.
I’m trying to defuel my plane, but it doesn’t seem to work (or I am missing something?)
The amount of fuel doesn’t decrease.
You can’t defuel the plane with the fuel truck.
So how should i do it then? Does the built in fuel panel work?
Defueling is not implemented.
The only way of doing that in the CDU is MENU/FS ACTIONS/FUEL and there you can change the actual fuel on board.