PMDG 737 Discussion (PC Version) (Part 1)

Oh my days, the FPS in the last update… Amazing,

Back to 20-30 more fps than the Fenix, awesome.


One thing I’m getting all the sudden that I don’t have in any other aircraft is a random light popping sound. At first I thought it was my headset, but if I fly in anything else I don’t hear it and when I go back to the 738, I’m getting this intermittent popping sound. Very strange. Will do some more investigating but curious if anyone else is getting it all the sudden?

For the record, I flew this two hours ago prior to the update and didn’t have this cracking sound. I’ve restarted the computer and reset my headset. Not noticeable in any other games or aircraft.

It is easy to downgrade texture quality and graphics until it runs on every potato with 144 fps. I could do this in Photoshop and a batch image converter in 10 minutes somehow downgrade and lower pixel-per-inch resolution and colour depth of a whole folder of textures to make it get rendered faster on low-end graphics cards.
But vice versa is what really counts and what makes an airplane really precious. Because is difficult to recreate a 100% photoreal and 100% accurate high-polygon cockpit having simulated all systems and crystal-clear ultrasharp textures and so many details and one can zoom in where real cameras would already switch to macro mode and the cockpit still looks awesome and photorealistic, like the Fenix does :slight_smile:
That is what gives the feeling of sitting in a real cockpit and really being able to pan around and see how it is and how it feels like sitting in there.

But of course now again everyone will continue to say “737 is so much better. Because it has FPS!”
Since 2018 that is all that seem to count in all videogames and simulators, FPS and nothing else, no longer story, immersion, visual quality, interesting characters, sound and music, gameplay mechanics, fun, stability, bug-freeness, and eye-candy.

And nowadays developers get all the hate when not delivering 100% stable 60fps on 300 Euro OEM-potatos from 2015 and “full compatibility” to last-last-gen consoles.
A sad development, instead of going forward in a good mood to photorealistic visuals in Matrix quality, and “the graphics card is too weak and old I should buy new awesome computer parts!” instead of “the developers suck because they don´t FPS-optimize!:slight_smile:

In the early days of flight simming it was always time for a new computer or new awesome computer parts when a new Flight Sim (95, 98, 2000, 2002 etc.) and Unreal engine version was released, a new Pentium a new Riva TNT graphics card and whatnot.
Not trying to stagnate hardware and visual quality progress into the future by forcing the developers “you have to make your stuff run on every ancient outdated hardware that is somewhere out there - or else!” like the mentality is in the whole gaming scene nowadays. :frowning:

One stuttering while having everything set to ultra settings and insane 8k resolutions and whatnot + at the same time capturing in 8k, or on consoles daring to have something run 45 FPS for the sake of absolute photorealism instead dumbing everything down to get of 60 or 144 FPS, and whole YouTube is on that game like hyenas on a cadaver :smiley: “baddest worst game ever made, not optimized, worst game of 2023, 0/10…”
A sad development…

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The reason the Fenix had poor fps was absolutely nothing to do with the resolution of the cockpit textures, unless a person’s GPU was a piece of cheese.

It did, however, have everything to do with the demands it placed (still places to be fair) on the CPU.


Another test:

Flight Time 3:00 h…recording leveled FL350 to landing…FPS record:

About 35 FPS during leveled phased, but in descend passing aprox FL 330, FPS increase to 55FPS and then descend in approach and landing about 45 FPS.

Then i think that MSFS with PMDG has an issue with FPS up from FL340.

According to chris makris a jet2 livery was added to the operation centre 2 last month is there anyone willing and able to confirm this please :pray::pray:

Yes there was.

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Got it now thank you look forward to seeing this on xbox

Can’t figure out why I can’t change the number of first class passengers. The economy passengers changes no matter what I select. The first class, sorry, it remains on 0 no matter what I press!

Sorry Pyreegue, for spoiling the record!!

Did you configure the aircraft as dual class?

Thx for coming back. I was flying the BBJ2 (Xbox) but didn’t know I had to configure the new one. I just thought that it defaulted to the 737-800 without configuring it.

Is there an easy fix!

Sorry, I just saw this is the PC version, my apologies!

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Got it and it works, thx very much.

She’s a complicated beast!

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Flying into KSTL yesterday I was programmed for the ILS30R but when I pressed APR the annunciation was FAC/GP rather than LOC/GS. What’s going on here? The AP flew the approach like an ILS but I guess it was doing a non-precision approach. Maybe the ILS was inop?

Did you have signal from the ILS before engaging APP?

Hmmm. Not sure. I was certainly within range.

I’ve had this happen a time or two but most recently was a long time ago. Since then I make 100% sure I engage VOR/LOC and have the localizer locked in solidly and only then engage APP mode. Usually a properly-flown approach will have you capture the glideslope from below so that’s not the case due to weather or whatever, I’ve been known to increase my descent rate with VSpeed to ensure I’m a dot or so under the glide slope before engaging APP.

This is the PMDG defaulting to IAN approach mode when you engage approach and it’s not receiving an ILS signal but you’ve got an ILS in the box. It has nothing to do with engaging VOR/LOC first and there’s no need to do that. Just make sure you’re receiving localizer and glideslope indications (the small white diamonds) first, before engaging approach mode.

I really wish the IAN stuff could be turned off as an option on the PMDG; very few airlines use it in reality as there are no advantage - but are some disadvantages - to using it instead of LNAV/VNAV on non precision approaches.

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Many thanks. That makes sense.

There was a similar question posted on the PMDG FB page about whether to engage VOR/LOC first and then APP. Seemed to be a good number of folks who professed to be RL 737 pilots who said that was standard procedure at their companies. I’m the furthest thing from a RL airline pilot but all these years, I always thought you just went with APP once you have positive indicates you are on localizer / GS.