PMS50 GTN750 Project

I’ve been flying the JF PA-28 and was getting CTD (randomly but routinely) with the GTN750. I have tried your suggestion of removing traffic and messaging from the options menu and have had NO CTD’s since then (only 3 flights but I was getting about a 50% CTD before). So far, so good I would say! I love this plane and I LOVE YOUR GTN750. Well done!!!

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All that is Very interesting.
I just think that the code is not responsible here but we are just requesting too much to your cpu/gpu and you should probably reduce some game parameters.
Could you do the following test:

  • reproduce the case where you have the crash after 20 minutes (so with messaging and traffic and map view). THis is just to be sure that in the same conditions, you get the same result.
  • Then, remove the GNS530 Mod from your community folder if you used it.
  • Restart the game
  • Start the Arrow
  • Switch the GPS to GNS530 and set the 530 and the 430 to the aux com setting page. (this is a page that requires nearly nothing from the CPU)
  • Switch the GPS to GTN750 and start your flight in the same conditions than before (messaging and traffic on and map view).

Verify if you have a CTD and report the time to get it.

I didn’t do the authors test yet.

But I did try this. And it seems to work. Also the lag spikes I sometimes got are gone. Just by disabling traffic and messages.

I will try this tonight,

You always ask maximum performance from the CPU/GPU so that doesn’t cause crashes. Either the main thread or the GPU runs at 100% at any time and you can’t ask more from hardware than 100%. It receives a task and it completes it as soon as possible.

Accessing memory you aren’t allowed to access does crash the sim, so this must be a bug with the sim probably related to the map. The add-on is probably doing nothing wrong, it’s just triggering this event. MSFS is very unstable and buggy so a CTD is always around the corner it seems. Troubleshooting is almost impossible for mod developers.

If you find what triggers the bug in the sim, you can maybe make a workaround that prevents it from happening until Asobo fixes the actual bug.

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Unfortunately, after a bit over an hour of flying. The sim crashed.

That’s quite possible. Since I was getting it with the other GPS, it must be code the modded one uses that the standard one doesn’t, and this is exposing a flaw in the MSFS code.

I’m testing this now and i see it has something to do with the GTN750, because i get way more crashes with the GTN, but because MSFS is already so unstable there might be crashes unrelated to this and this is making testing difficult. Especially without log files or tools.

We know mods normally can’t crash the sim because that’s why they are in a Webassembly container, but somehow something is triggered that makes the sim crash.

As soon as I get my new GPU I’ll finish off the unmodded Arrow testing, which I only have maybe 2-3 hours to do, which gives me my 20 hours, and about a week of flying with zero crashes. I’ll then fly with the 750 only, but use it as I see fit, map screen on etc. When/if I get my first crash, and it’s one of the access violation ones (0xc0000005), I’ll try testing with the map screen off, and other recommendations I have read here. I think it starts it’s it on, so we’ll have to assume that it’s something that occurs randomly, and only shows up with a certain screen on long enough to trigger the exception.

I’ll then repeat that with the modded 530.

I disabled the GNS530 mod… pages to aux. Also disabled Messaging and traffic in the setup.

Going for another hour and 12 min flight.

Yes but you can overheat the cpu/gpu or create some issue at the driver level that results in a crash. if you read the literature on the CTD subject, it appears to be some kind of mismatch between the game settings and the hardware possibilities.
With the feedback I have now from users, it seems that this is not a code issue (I trust the code). If you reduce the GPS tasks, you reduce the CTD. This is exactly what is done when you unset the traffic and the messaging.
In the Arrow, there is currently an issue with the GPS switching. That will be solved by JF in the next update. When you switch to the GTN, the GNS530 code still continues to work in the background and this increases what is asked to the CPU.
That’s why I asked to @Evillian151 to remove the GNS530 Mod and to do the test with the standard GNS blocked on an unused aux page.
Maybe I’m wrong but I’d like to go to the end of this track.

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MSFS barely hits 90% on my cores…and my temps of my cpu are below 60c… pretty sure it’s not a stress related issue.

May I ask where the tokens and account info is stored for metar and navigraph?

I think a bug by Asobo (with the sim) is the most likely problem, not hardware or drivers. A more complex aircraft like the CRJ or the modded Airbus is heavier on the CPU and should create even more problems with that logic.

Again there is nothing wrong with the code. And even if there was the sim still shouldn’t crash because of an add-on. It’s a sim bug triggered by something (wich could be correct code).

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It wouldn’t surprise me that this is a memory allocation issue.

Since MSFS uses huge chunks of it and doesn’t seem to clear it properly.

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I was flying the 750 with both AI/Live, and MP traffic disabled, Group mode on my own in essence, and still had crashes so it may be fair to assume the traffic itself is not an issue, but it could still be the traffic page.

I have to wonder if there is a common element between the two GPS.

Maybe they didn’t fully fix the WASM problems who knows?
But if we can find what triggers it there maybe is a workaround possible.

Currently i’m doing another long flight with the menu active and messaging and traffic on.
After that i will do flights again from the map to see if it will crash again.

With the GNS530 settings I gave to you ?

I don’t have the GNS530 mod installed, never had.
Could that be related?

In this case, just set the GNS530 and 430 to the aux page com setup when starting your flight.
On the arrow, the GNS530 and 430 are currently working in background even if they are not visible. The purpose is to set them to do less things as possible.

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Ok both are on the aux page now. Next flight tonight will be map page of the GTN with everything on, and GNS530/430 on aux page.

Maybe it’s just the Asobo bug when you have muliple maps open.

No, I don’t think so because this bug results to an immediate crash when you open the 5th map.