The collective is a Winwing. It’s excellent for the price…I paid a little over $500 for it…and it has switches…a LOT of them…the top, side, bottom. Also it’s ALL METAL with exception of some of the buttons. Also has a working metal grip twist throttle…if your planning on flying the Bell 47 like it was really done, not using th governor. Definitely get the set with the extension handle. It has tension screws and a u shaped bar that is supposed to keep you from applying too much leverage pulling up… but you don’t need it unless your going to use it for an ejection seat handle. It’s solid steel. I did what I lot of people do…added a motorcycle steering damper…about $35 on Amazon, and I also added a counterweight to balance everything…I will send pictures. Then I dressed it up with a gear shift boot cover. I also added a couple drops of light synthetic lubricant on the damper shafts during the break in period…it’s smooth and it stays where you put it. Adding the damper was simple…I used one of the handle bolts, replacing it with a slightly longer one. The 3 lb counterweight is a photographers lighting stand counterweight from Amazon…all I had to do was replace the wing bolt with a standard bolt and add it to the back of the extension shaft. LOTS of adjustment possibilities built in.
Pictures to follow