- Post Your Cockpit Pictures Here -

Hi all.

I like to share a picture of my Beech G58 (build since in 2020)

Currently im waiting to get Prop-AMP and De-Icing pressure gauges to work with msfs 2020.
(maybe Z-Airplane outputs from Asobo are required)
maybe someone can assist ? :+1:

But I will look forward to have these instruments correctly assigned later on…

Take care simmers…

all nice wishes for 2023 ! :wave: :wave: :wave:

regards Dominique

SIM Specifications:

Computer System:
i9-11900K Watercooled.
Nvidia RTX 2080TI 11G (4K output) (Watercooled)
Nvidia RTX 3060 PFD/MFD
32GB Ram, 2TB .M2 SolidState
W10Pro, msfs 2020 deluxe edition.
MobiFlight Version 2 / AIG Traffic / AirManager 4

Curved Samsung 49" Screen

Realsimgear Garmin G1000 (PFD/MFD)
Brunner Electronics ForceFeedback Yoke
Flight Illusion Gauged (7pcs)
ArduinoMega R3, Arduino Micro Microcontrollers
PCB Board’s
Bravo Throttle TQ (Modified)
Logitech Rudder

3-D Printed MainGear / Flap Lever and Knobs, Fuses. Annunciators and more…
Laser Cutted Acrylic Layers combined with wood (4 Layers)
Construction SW: Autocad, FreeCad, CorelDraw, EstlcamCNC

Here as well a few pictures of construction