Well you are entitled to your opinion, but I disagree and like the oldies… when I was taking flying lessons a few years ago, I opted for the “oldies” over the glass, again just my preference.
I learned to fly on dials, the planes I rent have dials, and the eventual plane I’m going to buy will most likely have dials, so, oldies it is for me.
I almost bought a Cirrus once, back when they were less than $200K, nowadays, yeah, even the Cirrus is out of range for me. I’m looking to spend somewhere between $40K and $90K these days. Man, the price of used planes has skyrocketed, or, I’d already own one.
Oldies are the way to go. Flying them requires thought, planning, and most of all attention. It can be a handful, but I agree, steam gauges are much more fun when flying small planes.
And why not both worlds
For example … MILVIZ recently launch his Pilatus Porter PC-6 with both options
Analog panel and glass panel… why Carenado don’t do the same?
It’s only my personal sugestion
Is that mod for XBOX?
No, unfortunately the XBox does not allow modding of any of the game files.
Ok thanks. I’m new to Xbox so gaining all the knowledge.
So does the Xbox have the turbo malfunction issue? And if so is the main drawback on the Xbox Seneca lacking turbo pull? Thanks for any advice.
The turbo issue is present on XBox, yes. It can be mitigated by leaning the mixture as altitude increases or enabling the automixture assist setting.